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We need NPC dolphins guys.


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So I was wondering how come we always see these mutant dolphin corpses scattered along the shores of Boston but when I go out to sea to hunt those bastards down theyre a no show? I mean they could have easily put the dolphins mesh over the sluaghterfish skeleton from Skyrim? why didnt they? I think it would be f***ing dope to be swimming around looking for loot and then suddenly you get pulled down to a watery grave by a f***ing doplin!

So I was wondering how come we always see these mutant dolphin corpses scattered along the shores of Boston but when I go out to sea to hunt those bastards down they’re a no show? I mean they could have easily put the dolphins mesh over the sluaghterfish skeleton from Skyrim? Why didn’t they? I think it would be f***ing dope to be swimming around looking for loot and then suddenly you get pulled down to a watery grave by a f***ing dolphin!

Seriously guys the dolphins could be as scary as underwater death claws.

Edited by fallout216
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I mean they could have easily put the dolphins mesh over the sluaghterfish skeleton from Skyrim? why didnt they?

-looks out of place with other animals and monsters that are well done in all aspects this time around.

-Underwater levels sucks in all games.

-Underwater combat is poor.

-Lore and story reasons?

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How would it be out of place? The shoreline is littered with their corpses but we never see them? I'm not asking for an underwater temple level and there would be no chance to fight back against them which would make them scary to encounter. As for lore and story reason they're already in the game they're just dead all the time. I want open water to fell freaky knowing that those things are circling me.

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how would it be out of place? The shoreline is littered with their corpses but we never see them?

All animals and monsters in fo4 have their own animations, reactions to stagger and their own attacks. So make adding them in such way seems odd and half assed.



'm not asking for an underwater temple level.



there would be no chance back against them which would make them scary to encounter

So an unable to see through sea with monsters that are deadly and you can't fight them?

Dude, sorry but that one bad idea.



As for lore and story reason they're already in the game they're just dead all the time.


Why are they dead? How did they end in the sea? Why are they in sea? Who made them if they were made? What killed them and why?

That is a story for one meaty DLC I tell you.

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