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Nude armor mod


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I have been wondering if it is at all possible, that there could be a nude armor mod that would allow a character to be fully nude but still be able to retain an armor rating, to allow you to be able to fight while nude but not die horribly? Maybe based on what armor style is a preference heavy or light, when you level up those perks could reflect that rating without the armor?

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It would be possible. The naked body is controlled by an armor form. You could probably assign stat values to it as well as keywords that would be recognized by the various perks. If you want the player to have choice between light and heavy armor stats then duplicate the SkinNaked armor form and give each the appropriate stats and keywords. Then devise a way for the player to get the one that they want. Changing the SkinNaked form itself would affect all NPCs that were without clothing as well... So making duplicates would probably be best.


Keep in mind tho that if the player uses a custom race with its own body/texture and you use the default, you'll be overriding the player's custom stuff. Might be better to create a separate skin just for the player actor and assign stats to it. Take a look at my Custom Player Body mod to see how to do that.


If you want the perks for wearing matching gear (i.e. all nude - head, hand, feet, body) then you'll have to figure out how to add keywords to the other parts (and I'm not sure if that is possible with the head).

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