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Anyone Need a Sexy Female Radio Station Announcer?


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So I love the custom radio stations a lot of you folks have made, and I was wondering if any of you wanted audio for a custom announcer. I'm a phone sex operator and erotic hypnotist by trade so my voice is definitely... suitable for sultry type stuff. I have access to a decent audio setup, I'd also be happy to do work revoicing any character someone's interested in having revoiced.

http://picosong.com/bG4d/ that's what I sound like (not my best recording, rather echoy but it was done in a hurry)

Edited by MrsDarling
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If I were you I would look into making a custom follower. Willow, Sofia, and Vilja as examples. You can start now before the CK is out by reading up as many tutorials on making a custom follower as you can find. Also you can start getting the script and voice recording started. More people enjoy a custom follower than a radio station and it will look good on a resume if you audition for any voice work to have a fully fleshed out character.

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If I were you I would look into making a custom follower. Willow, Sofia, and Vilja as examples. You can start now before the CK is out by reading up as many tutorials on making a custom follower as you can find. Also you can start getting the script and voice recording started. More people enjoy a custom follower than a radio station and it will look good on a resume if you audition for any voice work to have a fully fleshed out character.

I was mostly just offering to do voice stuff for other people's mods


Edited by MrsDarling
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Always good to have more voice actors in the community; even if they feel they're 'nasally'. Not just for 'sexy' work, either.

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