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All bethsda employies, Check this out.


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One thing that beth's people could do that a large group of morrowind players miss, Is make another Warewolf expantion, We all loved being a warewolf and tearing our enemys apart, I know there is some mods out there for it, But nothing beats beth's professinal mods/expantions. I personaly think this would be a step in the right direction, to incorperate warewolfs in TES4. Feed back welcomed.
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One thing that beth's people could do that a large group of morrowind players miss, Is make another Warewolf expantion, We all loved being a warewolf and tearing our enemys apart, I know there is some mods out there for it, But nothing beats beth's professinal mods/expantions. I personaly think this would be a step in the right direction, to incorperate warewolfs in TES4. Feed back welcomed.

Bethsoft employees don't read these forums, Bethsoft really doesn't even have much affiliation or concern with TESSource. Furthermore, any real work on TES4 expansions or anything else has been stopped in favor of Fallout 3. There simply won't be any official acknowledgement of anything that is said here.


That said, there are already a few mods who feature werewolves, even if the player can't become one. The player can't become one because of how all the animations are currently setup. Even with claws you'd still be punching people with the equivilant of furry gloves. The limitations on modding and the lack of interest in doing anything by Bethsoft (even if you were to post in their forums) mean that this will probably be as good as you're gonna get. Search feature is your friend. Please lock thread, thanks.

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You know what really bugs me? I didn't ask for you to state "Lock thread" I was just stating a opinion, and Yes, a few of Beth's employies keep a eye on the forums, acording to Dark0ne. I have a right to post what I want as long as I don't break any rules, And I don't belive that I did. Please don't badger people just stating a opinions. If you don't like it, Keep it to yourself and don't comment.
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There isn't any reason for you to get all snippy. Your grand idea has already been mentioned dozens of times, and enough people have cared enough to go through the trouble of doing it in a mod. Therefore further discussion isn't needed, and thread can be locked to avoid people kicking a dead topic. Regardless if some employees visit the forums, they aren't going to (and probably can't) give your message much thought because they have other concerns at the moment. As for the comment "But nothing beats beth's professinal mods/expantions." that's an outright insult to a good number of people around here. Official modules are a joke (paying money for a glorified house mod?), and the expansion (and subsequent patch) left most people with an unplayable game. Either you're just doing some brown-nosing, or have been living under a rock for the better part of a year. At any rate, not gonna happen, please hold your breath, and don't enjoy the "sub-par" mods that apparently aren't good enough for you.

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Bethesda said they had no plans for another expansion, just a few more small plugins. Of course, when Oblivion was released they didn't have plans either. I don't think there'll be another expansion.


And I doubt Bethesda keeps an eye on these forums much. You'll have a much bigger chance of a reply (Which is still small) at the official forums, especially now they have this 'community manager'.

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You know what really bugs me? I didn't ask for you to state "Lock thread"


Completely agree, people need to back off and stop acting like the sun shines out their backsides. If you feel inclined to be overly negative, Vagrant, just don't bother.


Fact is there aren't many topics on werewolves here. There's the possibility that Darthdeth searched using his incorrect spelling...

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