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Stop making boob mods and armor for boob mods.


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So did we make sure every single modder who has created adult content related to female breasts has been alerted that the internets decided to place a moratorium on "Boob Mods"? No? only 177 people total of the 1000s of modders have even read this message? Oh well. Guess we will see more boob mods. I will get busy not downloading them nor complaining about their existence.

Edited by Bretonlover
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OP had a visceral reaction. I have them myself at times.
I have thought, in my own head, "Dude! another boob mod?"
Like the OP, at some level, I have wished that people who make boob mods took that energy and put it into making other mods.

Modders should put their energy into making the mods they want to make, and everyone that disproves should learn to make her/his mods if they were so angry/displeased about it.


Respect craftsmens wishes and dreams please.

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You'd think some new cool mods would still trickle out but good lord every time I check for new mods it's a bunch of neckbeards making anime girls and customizing armors to fit them.

Somethings wrong with y'all.


With all the real modders more and more move on the abnormals and guys with bad taste get the upper hand now. That's why it seems that every second mod is about schlongs and unnatural boobs.

Edited by Novem99
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While I agree with those saying that there is a system to filter out content you do not like, I do find the tag system to be severely lacking. For instance, why any mod in the FOLLOWER category does not by default have the companions-tag glued to it, is beyond me. You'll have to deal with many "unwanted" follower mods in your searches because of it, and because it will take ~ two weeks per mod for two more people to tag those mods appropriately. Further, blocking the companions tag will block loads of mods that are not follower mods. Why can't there be the ability to block categories instead?


So, filtering out content you do not want to see is not as easy tbh. That does not mean though that it is ok to tell people what kind of mod they should or should not make.


While I also would have liked someone with the ability to make an animations framework overhaul something like the fighting mechanics, I cannot blame them for choosing something else. I am 100% certain they did not think to themselves "Well, I hate this, but kids will love it, so I'ma spend hundreds of hours making this sex animations mod I won't even use".


I get that it is disappointing to see alot of mods surfacing that are not your taste. But you are always free to make the mods you want yourself.

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Even saddier when I imagine what great mods could have seen the light of life if this talented guy would have worked on a mod that doesn't just aim to satisfy the needs of horny kiddies or even worse adults.

And even sadder when people who don't know the first thing about how to mod think those that do should not make a certain kind of mod that they don't approve of because they are self centered and immature. Demanding that mod authors only make mods you want is childish.


You are not required to use those mods in your game. WHY do you think you should be able to dictate that others shouldn't be able to use whatever they want in their game?


Mod makers make what they want to make - not what you approve of. If you don't like the mods you see, how about learning to make mods and making what you do want to see? There is room for (almost) all kinds of mods here.

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Demanding that mod authors only make mods you want is childish.


I never said that. There are hundreds of mods I would never use in my game but are considered by me as totally comprehensible.




WHY do you think you should be able to dictate that others shouldn't be able to use whatever they want in their game?


And I also never said that I wanna dictate what others should do. People can do whatever they want but I think I also should be able to scrutinize some of the "stranger" demands.



Mod makers make what they want to make - not what you approve of.


And now we get to the actual point: I just wanna know why the hell someone wants to make a dude with a vagina or that weird kind of thing:



And why should you want to have THAT in your game?

For what purpose exactly? Maybe you can tell because nobody could till now.

Would YOU want to have that in your game?

Would you have bought Skyrim if every NPC would walk around like that?


Please tell me you think things like on the picture I have linked are totally normal in your eyes and I will remain silent forever!

Edited by Novem99
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Thats how humanity is, and its not just modding.


Like this dick pot, someone probably just thought "i will put some dicks on a pot for the lols :D"



or the vagina pot http://i.imgur.com/1leUrZh.png i bet it sold well ;)


Theres probably countless like that and also others with hunting representations or ritual representations, cultural "lore friendly" or something like that. XD

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