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Update 1.2 is out (of beta)


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It's not like it was all that bad, an worse things have happened. I think you have been playing too much or hanging around people that play too much. Just a thought, seems like an overly negative reaction to what would otherwise be the status quo of the last 6 years, maybe longer. Cheer up...

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It's not like it was all that bad, an worse things have happened. I think you have been playing too much or hanging around people that play too much. Just a thought, seems like an overly negative reaction to what would otherwise be the status quo of the last 6 years, maybe longer. Cheer up...


The gravity of the situation leads to many modders feeling on edge with every move made right now. Many are wary of any kind of mod 'controls' and anything that stops something working that used to work is a case to be informed and vigilant.


Knee-jerk reaction? Perhaps, but when people are invested in such things then such reactions may be expected.


But you're right, I'm sure its nothing to worry about...





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Odd question about this update, I was using the Beta update and in the steam library my game was listed as "Fallout 4 [beta]". Ok it's telling me I have opted to use the beta patch.


After this update my game still shows in the library as "Fallout 4 [beta]"!


Did my game not update? I tried to opt out of the beta thinking the game would then properly update, am I missing something?


Edit; I also verified my game and still see "Fallout 4 [beta]" in my game list.


what build ID are you all showing if you look at the games properties\Local Files? I see "881250"

Edited by chucksteel
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I haven't had time, but Steam will create back up installs of digital releases, that can be put on disc. Just open steam an go to the top left steam menu, back up an restore games.


23866 Bluray disc limit
4488.1 DVD disc limit


Bluray discs can be expensive though, I get a 50 pack of bluray discs at 25 Gb, but as you see there's limits, just like SSD/HDD. It worked really well for Steam games an mod downloads, for example a back up load order for the top 100 Skyrim mods a early in the year I think was over 20Gb. Maybe not all that important now, but months or years later it's nice to have backups on disc. The BR drives sucks, an the software for it sucks, cause it's got DRM all over it an the movie discs too, but it was fun enough for the money, if you wondered. Blue lasers everywhere AHHH it's melting my eyes!

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As everyone knows by now there are several work-a-rounds. I originally posted this more as a heads up to all the new folks that would be yelling "my mods they be broke!"


Which is of course, kinda what happened. :P

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This is why I always back up my game folders. They did an annoying thing with Skyrim, to start with they put the DRM on the launcher as they did with FO3, this was great because people could easily make their game large address aware, then out of the blue they put it on the game and everyone was screwed. I remember people passing the original executable around here and on Beths forum, without it the desktop would appear every time your game used more that 2GB of RAM. I remember the good old days when patches actually improved things.

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In all seriousness, isn't anyone else nervous about the fact that the hidden data files selection window is completely gone and the launcher wipes activated ESP files with every launch? That can't be unintentional, it's also out of sorts for Beth games insofar as my over ten years of experience with their games on PC goes.

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In all seriousness, isn't anyone else nervous about the fact that the hidden data files selection window is completely gone and the launcher wipes activated ESP files with every launch? That can't be unintentional, it's also out of sorts for Beth games insofar as my over ten years of experience with their games on PC goes.


Maybe it's because it had an (albeit empty) steam workshop button? I know Pete Hines said on twitter that they weren't setting up steam workshop for the game. It may be possible that they bring it back once Bethesda.net is launched, with a link to that instead.

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