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Moments That Infuriated You


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I'm so sorry you couldn't find the humor in what i wrote. I'll go get a clue now. Thanks.


Well, I thought it was quite funny actually. And it looked cathartic too, which I suppose is what this thread is all about. I love reading other people's rants. None have yet matched that guy who let rip about NMM when he upgraded and it messed up all his Skyrim mods. That was epic.

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I'm so sorry you couldn't find the humor in what i wrote. I'll go get a clue now. Thanks.


Well, I thought it was quite funny actually. And it looked cathartic too, which I suppose is what this thread is all about. I love reading other people's rants. None have yet matched that guy who let rip about NMM when he upgraded and it messed up all his Skyrim mods. That was epic.


Thanks lol. OP said "This is the thread. Let it out. Vent"

I know everyone's entitled to their own opinion... like Hitler and Mao.

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Every random encounter that has me rescuing a "Settler/Farmer" from Raiders/Mole Rats/Wild Dogs/etc, that wont let me send those folks off to a proper settlement after I've saved them.


I'm looking at you, mister "I'm dying of thirst", who spawned ON A BRIDGE 100 yards from The Slog.

No, I won't get you a glass of water, get your ass up and come inside, then you'll have food and a freakin bed too!

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Moments? The whole game infuriates me!


Have been reading things here and there about how they really only spent a few years on this game instead of almost a decade and finding that more plausible than any part of this game. I just can't justify playing this game anymore it is so awful and badly written. Only a real life OCD person could enjoy picking up the same old stuff all over the place and making settlements over and over again. There is no way without mods I would play this game again all the way through just because of the settlement crap alone. Only a mod would be able to fix that but no mod could ever fix the terrible writing. This for me is about as bad maybe even worse than the ME3 ending. Every time I think about starting a new character in ME1 and go all the way through ME3 again I just think NOPE got better things to do and what is the point?


These game companies are going to end themselves when most of their customer base thinks that same thought on a regular basis, whats the point? game sucks anyway why play it?


I don't expect anything new or better to come out of the gaming industry from now on just more repeats and a vain attempt to grab that call of dooky money on a regular basis. Buying and playing games feels almost the same as the initial feeling I get when I remember that I need to buy toilet paper soon except that toilet paper actually has a use.


Moments huh?


Lets see here uh, bugs and lots more bugs.


That big dig quest where the guy with the eyebot runs off just as he is about to finish his line of dialogue about how he met bobbi and he does it almost exactly at the same point in the dialogue every single time you try to ask him about it.


Having to fend off the romance crap at the end of each followers affinity check and every time after that if I had dismissed them and then returned to the area where they were dismissed to. For example cait and her bs every time I get back to red rocket near sanctuary. At first I thought it was left that way so you could score points with your current follower if you chose a dialogue option they liked but nope.


Power armor laying around everywhere all over the place like nobody had raided a vault before and found a extra special pip boy that let them pilot the dam things or whatever other lore based BS that is needed but somehow missing for people to just walk away with power armor for the last 200 years.


Why is there ANYTHING left to find in the game world? For 200 years this stuff sits around and nobody picks it up because "oh that is just junk anyway" really? When anyone in the game world NEEDS that junk to upgrade or fix or build anything at all really?


The dialogue of maccready doesn't make any sense at all. Everything he says and the way he says it is just odd and totally off.


The whole synth thing really. Why do they need to replace people again? Totally pointless as if nobody had even thought about what they were writing at all. There was more effort to properly represent a single developers DOG in this game than to do anything else with the game at all.


I really hate when I stumble upon that badly injured dog at one point in the main quest near kellogg's hideout and dogmeat just chews it up and we have to leave it whimpering and dying there. WTF is that s***?



I think everyone at BGS is more interested in watching jeopardy! or making a boring card game than actually doing anything. Really I think they all just enjoy getting paid and don't really care what they are doing day to day. They don't have to worry about that money going away because people will buy anything and they won't stand together against time wasting crap like this game. Only a massive collapse of something like the euro would wake people up to some extent about not wasting their money and time.



I like running around in power armor but I hate this game, I'm all dressed up but have nowhere to go and nothing to do. That is the ultimate infuriating moment for me with this game. Why bother getting dressed up there ain't nowhere to go? NONE of the current game companies can answer that question for anyone.

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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For me it was when that guy told me I was welcome in sanctuary ant time.... He was standing in MY living room in MY house I had fully rebuilt. WTF...


Well, I am no longer infuriated by games (unless they fail to run at all or crash frequently). But a developer not anticipating the possibility of an NPC talking to the 'owner' of the building... that's surely annoying.


I always keep it in mind that Fallout (at least Bethesda's version, I can't speak about Fallout 1 and 2 as I haven't been able to finish them - I am simply not into isometric/turn based games) is supposed to be a 3D game version of 'Jetsons'.

That said, I found a lot of things in the game that are plain stupid and annoying:


  • No option to clean up or fix houses in Sanctuary Hill (and other places). You can scrap whole trees and cars, but you cannot sweep up the floor and remove the debris or remove the weed?
  • You can only build the same broken furniture that you've just scrapped. Really, what's the point of scrapping a broken shelf if you can only build shelves that are broken?
  • Followers that keep blocking your line of fire.
  • Light bulbs that require 1 unit of power while Missile Turrets and other advanced turrets require 2 units of power? (The home-made Molecular Relay requires 25 units so essentially the energy that powers 25 light bulbs is sufficient to teleport a human being, and yet Sturges claims that I need a portable nuclear reactor - no wonder that there was an energy crisis in the old world.)
  • The lack of simple indications e.g. a settler's current assignment. (I guess a mod will probably fix that once the CK is out).
  • Settlements 'requiring your assistance' to defend themselves even though you put missile/heavy machine gun turrets in every corner so any approaching raiding party will be torn into shreds;
  • Vertibirds taking off and flying through the hull of the Prydwen;
  • The over-abundance of Vertibirds and the stupidity of their pilots;
  • Sneaking into a room full of baddies, only to be stopped by your follower: "Do you have a moment to talk?";
  • Followers randomly liking/disliking/hating something while you are a) not in combat, b) not in conversation, c) you are simply walking towards your destination;
  • Messed up settlement stats in your Pip Boy.
  • Stupid inconsistencies like: Codsworth can carry 150 pounds while his cardboard box indicates that a "Mr. Handy can not lift objects heavier than 40 pounds";
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Moments? The whole game infuriates me!


Have been reading things here and there about how they really only spent a few years on this game instead of almost a decade and finding that more plausible than any part of this game. I just can't justify playing this game anymore it is so awful and badly written. Only a real life OCD person could enjoy picking up the same old stuff all over the place and making settlements over and over again. There is no way without mods I would play this game again all the way through just because of the settlement crap alone. Only a mod would be able to fix that but no mod could ever fix the terrible writing. This for me is about as bad maybe even worse than the ME3 ending. Every time I think about starting a new character in ME1 and go all the way through ME3 again I just think NOPE got better things to do and what is the point?


These game companies are going to end themselves when most of their customer base thinks that same thought on a regular basis, whats the point? game sucks anyway why play it?


I don't expect anything new or better to come out of the gaming industry from now on just more repeats and a vain attempt to grab that call of dooky money on a regular basis. Buying and playing games feels almost the same as the initial feeling I get when I remember that I need to buy toilet paper soon except that toilet paper actually has a use.


Moments huh?


Lets see here uh, bugs and lots more bugs.


That big dig quest where the guy with the eyebot runs off just as he is about to finish his line of dialogue about how he met bobbi and he does it almost exactly at the same point in the dialogue every single time you try to ask him about it.


Having to fend off the romance crap at the end of each followers affinity check and every time after that if I had dismissed them and then returned to the area where they were dismissed to. For example cait and her bs every time I get back to red rocket near sanctuary. At first I thought it was left that way so you could score points with your current follower if you chose a dialogue option they liked but nope.


Power armor laying around everywhere all over the place like nobody had raided a vault before and found a extra special pip boy that let them pilot the dam things or whatever other lore based BS that is needed but somehow missing for people to just walk away with power armor for the last 200 years.


Why is there ANYTHING left to find in the game world? For 200 years this stuff sits around and nobody picks it up because "oh that is just junk anyway" really? When anyone in the game world NEEDS that junk to upgrade or fix or build anything at all really?


The dialogue of maccready doesn't make any sense at all. Everything he says and the way he says it is just odd and totally off.


The whole synth thing really. Why do they need to replace people again? Totally pointless as if nobody had even thought about what they were writing at all. There was more effort to properly represent a single developers DOG in this game than to do anything else with the game at all.


I really hate when I stumble upon that badly injured dog at one point in the main quest near kellogg's hideout and dogmeat just chews it up and we have to leave it whimpering and dying there. WTF is that s***?



I think everyone at BGS is more interested in watching jeopardy! or making a boring card game than actually doing anything. Really I think they all just enjoy getting paid and don't really care what they are doing day to day. They don't have to worry about that money going away because people will buy anything and they won't stand together against time wasting crap like this game. Only a massive collapse of something like the euro would wake people up to some extent about not wasting their money and time.



I like running around in power armor but I hate this game, I'm all dressed up but have nowhere to go and nothing to do. That is the ultimate infuriating moment for me with this game. Why bother getting dressed up there ain't nowhere to go? NONE of the current game companies can answer that question for anyone.

Everything Dragonslayer said, except I found the writing tolerable. This game is a dumpster fire. It is the last Bethesda game I will ever buy. If I wanted to give upgaming entirely, this is the game I could site as to why. I loved Fallout, but I've been milked for the last time. I don't even want to play Skyrim, a game I liked, now I'm so angry at Bethesda.

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  • Sneaking into a room full of baddies, only to be stopped by your follower: "Do you have a moment to talk?";
  • Followers randomly liking/disliking/hating something while you are a) not in combat, b) not in conversation, c) you are simply walking towards your destination;



I'd just crawled out of the memory lounger, trying to get my bearings, thinking of everything that just happened, reliving that moment in the vault. A mess, pretty much (I'd assume my character wouldn't be "all there" straight away). Amari has a quick chat to help. Immediately afterwards Danse says, "This may sound like a strange question..." And I just groan and say, "What?! Now?! Can't you see I'm really not in the mood for a D&M." :down:

Unfortunately I couldn't sidestep or escape as he was right next to my character and the screen just sucked me over that direction...with Amari right there as well. Awkward, lol. I could've been a cow and just walked away but I didn't.


Another time I was walking from A to B with Piper, in the rain. Nothing going on, no incidents, no combat. An ordinary walk. Next thing, "Piper disliked that." Huh? Then a second time. I looked around, nothing. Nothing at all to trigger that. What the hell? I even reloaded my last quicksave, which was like 2 minutes prior and it happened again. Maybe Piper doesn't like walking in the rain? :confused:


My current character I'm playing a bit different. The companion who best suits her style is Strong, so I'm having a lot of fun with him. I don't need to be too much of a do-gooder or watch what I say. Then I switch to Danse, and everything he says grates on my nerves. My favourite weapon is a fully modded flamer. If I hold the button down 2 seconds too long I get reprimanded for wasting ammo. If I shoot at a feral he hasn't seen yet I get reprimanded yet again because I "might hit something I care about." I got so annoyed in the end that I set him on fire. No complaints, unfortunately.

Then there's the junk collecting. Strong has some funny lines, and really doesn't care what I loot (as long as it's not stolen). Most humanoids, though, have a loud opinion about it. So, when they are giving me that unwanted opinion I hoover up the remaining junk items in my reach just to spite them :tongue:

Edited by star-mystyk
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I think everyone has felt like telling Garvey " I'm not your b&@*$"


the guy that said the developers are relying on modders to take up the slack has a point. I have used this sites mods to fix all the problems I had with the game.


Some of the mistakes are really funny like when Curie decided she liked something I said to Elder Maxon and decided the bridge of the Prydwin was the place to discuss her recent transition to synth. I thought I was going to have to choose between her and the BOS right then and there but no Maxon just stood there with his back to us. I guess he knows better than to mess with my girl even if she is a synth and my relationship with her may be bordering on incest. I prefer to think the female synths are based on Nora's DNA found in Shaun rather than that of my character. IDK if that qualifies as infuriating but it might be a little disturbing. Is my character sleeping with his granddaughter?

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I dunno...not much actually. I'm pretty easy to please so not a lot has really bothered me. One thing that comes to mind is, the first time I fought Kellogg, I didn't even get to see him, he was stealth from the time I entered the room. I didn't even get a chance to talk to him, he just opened fire and I gave it back and that was it.


With Father, I just shot him in the face. I just couldn't believe it, even though I sorta saw it coming. I knew he had to have something ironic to do with the Institute, that's Beth's style when it comes to plot twists.

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