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san bernidino. what can we do/


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i'm really getting tired of the rhetoric from both sides of the isle. i think both the left and the right are scared to death, more of the other making headway with the american public than anything to do with terrorist.


with either f them bickering between each other, what can we do that actually would work, to save ourselves and our loved one's from being victimized by such thing/

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Kill more of them than they kill of us. Make the prospect of attacking Western targets so unattractive that they won't do it.

Stop the NSA's mega data collection on regular people and start doing old school detective work and PROFILING. That will go a long way to stopping the attacks before they happen.

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It happens because it keeps working. We've gone from being a confident culture where we were urged to go back to resume normal behavior to a reactive culture where a presidential candidate can suggest banning entry to the US for all Muslims and still be considered a presidential candidate.


Small attacks like this are not intended to cause high body counts, cause significant damage to a population or services. They exist solely to cause an extreme reaction, and have been more and more effective at pushing us into a state of lockdown. This is what these groups are attempting to achieve since it means an end to the Western way of life, and we've been playing right along. I'm sorry to sound cold and callous, but 14 or even 50 lives lost not a particularly significant amount. Even the random nature of these attacks is not significant when you consider how many places there are in the country where gang violence is a regular occurrence. The only thing that makes these events newsworthy is that they were done by "terrorists" against Americans, so the news media latches onto them and runs with it. Nevermind the daily shootouts in the slums or along the Mexican border... Nobody cares about those deaths since it's isolated to areas that are out of sight and out of mind. The agenda, of both the media, and the terrorists, is to cause fear and chaos, and they are both succeeding.

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The only reason they would win is if we continue to fear death when they don't. the only way to equalize the scales is to resulve ourselves to being as selfless as they, but that requires entering into a realm that is baned to talk about here and I will not breach that rule.


Beyond that, what can we do to protectourselves without relinquishing the freedoms we would deny to them to make our survival posible.?

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i'm really getting tired of the rhetoric from both sides of the isle. i think both the left and the right are scared to death, more of the other making headway with the american public than anything to do with terrorist.


with either f them bickering between each other, what can we do that actually would work, to save ourselves and our loved one's from being victimized by such thing/

As an American citizen, you have the right to bear arms. You also have the right to teach your children to bear arms. Knowing how to use those arms in times of crisis is what that right to bear arms brings to front when there is an attack on our soil, property or rights. Knowledge is power.


Taking in more refugees costs money. American money.


Personally, I think we should stop trying to place political power into the hands of people we think will contain a given overseas issue. It has never been clean, has never worked as we thought it should and in the end removes the stability that once was in place (though enforced by some tyrannt, still stable...see Saddam Hussain, Ghadafi, and others in history).


The only reason we (as Americans) have interest over there in the Middle East is OIL. Are there alternatives to using oil? yes...let's utilitize those assets/resources instead of playing the old Chess game carried over from the middle ages.


This is only an opinion, and it is my own.

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Well for myself, I've reverted to carrying an old friend once again with the only change being extra clips. The 2nd is only useful if you utilize it.

My view is that I'd rather risk dying defending my life and others than wait for the boys in blue to arrive to tabulate the body count. Just my two cents.

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Clips, not mags...nice move. Keep the ATF off you for dem full-auto rounds. wink wink nudge nudge


I dunno, but I am unafraid. I've had that "spidey sense" going since 1983 in Belgium (Brussels airport had armed military at all times back then). Maybe I can have more value attached to the whole "armed presence" than most Americans...but I do understand the anomaly presented.


Politics aside...leave our gun rights out of that too ;) ...we (NATO and USA) keep inserting ourselves into tribal conflict in the middle east. This has usually surmounted to those now free to express their life tribes to run rampant in the desert, doing as they wish. When, before we ousted those tryannical rulers, there was at least some form of submission to the state proferred by those said tribes. MAYBE WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF THEIR f*#@ING BUSINESS? No Umlauts to consider.


Instead of fighting these tribal states for their OIL...how about we go alternative and remove their SPENDING DOLLARS.? eh? Sound good? And...put term limits on Senators...f*#@ing 30 year veterans still in there making our laws, from 50 years ago mentality. bah

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It happens because it keeps working. We've gone from being a confident culture where we were urged to go back to resume normal behavior to a reactive culture where a presidential candidate can suggest banning entry to the US for all Muslims and still be considered a presidential candidate.


Small attacks like this are not intended to cause high body counts, cause significant damage to a population or services. They exist solely to cause an extreme reaction, and have been more and more effective at pushing us into a state of lockdown. This is what these groups are attempting to achieve since it means an end to the Western way of life, and we've been playing right along. I'm sorry to sound cold and callous, but 14 or even 50 lives lost not a particularly significant amount. Even the random nature of these attacks is not significant when you consider how many places there are in the country where gang violence is a regular occurrence. The only thing that makes these events newsworthy is that they were done by "terrorists" against Americans, so the news media latches onto them and runs with it. Nevermind the daily shootouts in the slums or along the Mexican border... Nobody cares about those deaths since it's isolated to areas that are out of sight and out of mind. The agenda, of both the media, and the terrorists, is to cause fear and chaos, and they are both succeeding.


I have to agree with Vagrant, it does no good to get reactionary and emotional. They win when we no longer recognize ourselve in the mirror. "Where has America gone?", "It died...from the inside"



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I am loathe to bring up religions, as per the ban, but it really strikes at the point here.

Muslims hate christians. So do atheists. The atheist sees this as "the enemy of my enemy.." and all that. The muslim sees a chance to set two enemies at each other, and kill the weakened "winner".


Why else would we be asked to be angered at christian talk, but "be tolerant" of muslims who have the same commandments, and still use the old testament punishments for them?

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There is one very obvious point no one seems willing to admit about not letting muslims immigrate here:

For several years, we've been watching the brutal slaughter of jews and christians by ISIS. Far worse than any other nation from which we take political, religious, or war refugees. We've seen that some of these sects are based olmost exclusively on tribal affiliation; quite literally, their religion is ther "nationality", a mind-set that the rest of the world lost centuries ago.


We're watching honest genocide. These jews and christians meet all the qualifications for all three catagoriesm of refugee. The muslims oppressing them dont really need evacuation; the ones we see running, for the most part, are simply trying to dodge their nations' draft because they dont want to fight ISIS. The muslims fleeing arent in "lufe and limb" danger like the jewqs and christians are.


What is going on right now happened already in WWII; operation paperclip, where we imported nazi scientists instead of jews on their way to the camps. That at least was justified by giving us tools to end the war. (which is a *beeping beepy* reason) Your asking to do the same again, only this tome, there isnt even an attempt to justify it. You ask "Whats happened to America?" What indeed? That you would even consider letting in healthy young men that SHOULD be fighting these psychopaths and leave out the ones actually in danger?

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