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[BoS Power Armor Texture] Where the F*** are you ?


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I'm going crazy right now.

I've been looking for 2 hours with BAE and I just can't put my hands on the BoS texture for the T60 Power Armor.
Every PA texture can be found in Textures > Actors > PowerArmor > [...] from files Fallout4 - textures1.ba2 to Fallout4 - textures5.ba2

Every single one of them... except for the BoS, the only thing related to them I can extract is a set of decals I have no use for.

I've looked in pretty much every possible location in all the textures files, but to no avail.


I need this original texture because I'm currently working on a line of mods making faction paints available for all Power Armor models.

My goal is to be as close to the original paint as possible, so I absolutely need it to get the right colors and shades.
I cannot work just from screenshots as what I perceive can always be altered by the environment lighting, and it can lead to serious discrepancies.

If anyone has already met and found a solution to this problem, please save me and tell me where I should look.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Edited by invock
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I don't think there is a full BoS texture because what the game does is it has a part of the mesh specifically for decals and the BoS modification for the T-60 just switches textures to use the BoS decal while the actual mesh uses the vanilla texture. (you could potentially have the pink power armour with the BoS symbol if you wanted to)





Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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I don't think there is a full BoS texture because what the game does is it has a part of the mesh specifically for decals and the BoS modification for the T-60 just switches textures to use the BoS decal while the actual mesh uses the vanilla texture. (you could potentially have the pink power armour with the BoS symbol if you wanted to)


This exactly, most things that use the same mesh just do a mat swap to save time/resources.

I found the swap for the BoS Knight armor (mat_PA_T60_BOSKnight [MSWP:0019799A]) refers to "Materials\actors\PowerArmor" then the files "t60bodydecal_bos.bgsm" and "t60larmdecal_knight.bgsm" if that helps.

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the material "materials\actors\powerarmor\t60bodydecal_bos.bgsm" has 2 DDS entrys

  • Diffuse: Actors/PowerArmor/T60BodyDecal_BoS_d.dds
  • Envmap: Shared/Cubemaps/mipblur_DefaultOutside1.dds

These textures seems to be only decals. There are also some other faction decals beside these dds files. (army-, gunner-, vaultech-t60)

Maybe you can create your own mat files (.bgsm) for you mod and then link to them in your esm.


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