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are Nazis really welcomed here on Nexus?


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What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike?


You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.


I don't what happened here in the US , I mean why does everyone get upset when they burn a Quoran? Or flush it down a toilet after urinating on it?


Why does everyone here get upset we take our service dogs into muslim places? I mean who does not like DogMeat sniffing in strange places


Why does everyone get upset when we put cartoons mocking the prophet on public display in Garland Texas? Or maybe as wall paintings in a FO4mod?


And maybe you don't care (doubtful), but CAIR will and then ALL the mods will get reviewed.

You see this is how it starts as the perv says " let's put my personal private fethish out there as a FO4mod to share with others", because publicly promoting that fetish would get you in trouble in real life.


/But go ahead and see how many of these mods that have been called into question last on the Bethesda mod repository when it opens.



Here is the difference. Its fine to be upset. Its fine to *censored* and moan.

But dont try to censor or silence people.


That's all I am saying.


Did I think the Texas cartoon thing was stupid? sure. Did I want to stop it? No.

They can do/say whatever they want.

And I will do the same. I will draw a cartoon of those rednecks having sex with their sister.

Sue me. :smile:


That's the beauty of America.

Thats how it should be done.


edit: I love how nexus just censored the B word.

Going to leave it there because; irony.

Edited by Eidius
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What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike?


You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.


I don't what happened here in the US , I mean why does everyone get upset when they burn a Quoran? Or flush it down a toilet after urinating on it?




/But go ahead and see how many of these mods that have been called into question last on the Bethesda mod repository when it opens.



You aren't being equivalent here. Eidus is talking about people in general being perpetually offended and victimized. You are talking about going out and intentionally harassing people of a chosen faith. He's talking about people who think the world is coming to an end JUST because they see something they don't like (and there's ALWAYS something they don't like).


It's freedom of speech, which means that both sides can speak. To limit which side can speak so that it's the majorities opinion only is an affront to humanity. It means we can be offensive, but others can take offense to it. If you don't agree with it then, well, don't bother replying since you don't value the thing you wish to exercise.


Also good job cutting out the part where he mentions he's a Muslim.


But to get back to the topic of are Nazis welcome on the nexus. There's no law against being Fabulous, liking the aesthetics of some arranged sticks or Eagles. When someone starts up with inciting the race war, then we can start talking about maybe doing something.

Edited by GETbacon
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You aren't being equivalent here. Eidus is talking about people in general being perpetually offended and victimized. You are talking about going out and intentionally harassing people of a chosen faith. ..


But to get back to the topic of are Nazis welcome on the nexus. There's no law against being Fabulous, liking the aesthetics of some arranged sticks or Eagles. When someone starts up with inciting the race war, then we can start talking about maybe doing something.




Wait you don't see how somehow going around as a Nazi in FO4 and streaming with a matching narration could not be seen as harassing a certain faith? yeah sure buddy.


And I did not mention his faith because he's self-admittedly not a devout muslim. And it is why I mentioned CAIR because they would take offense at a FO4mod adding pictures from the Garland cartoon exibition depicting the Prophet Mo'.

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Wait you don't see how somehow going around as a Nazi in FO4 and streaming with a matching narration could not be seen as harassing a certain faith? yeah sure buddy.


And I did not mention his faith because he's self-admittedly not a devout muslim. And it is why I mentioned CAIR because they would take offense at a FO4mod adding pictures from the Garland cartoon exibition depicting the Prophet Mo'.



Going around as Gobbles on your own time is fine and is not hurting anyone, stop trying to ruin peoples fun. Someone streaming while saying we must preserve the white race while mag dumping into Preston. Well that's not the Nexus's fault, take it up with twitch or where ever you're watching that (That is IF that's actually happening and clearly doesn't have tongue firmly planted in cheek). Also were not broadcasting it and forcing people who it would offend to watch it. Just change the channel, close the tab, something apart from forcing the guy to stop. And I ain't your buddy, Guy.


Also, I bet he isn't a Scotsman. And I doubt CAIR would care about some edgy teens running around in the virtual post apocalypse in SS uniforms. Last I checked the Islamist who were bombing and shooting people did so because they didn't like our decadence, not because Nazi's simply existed. Which by the way is what we're talking about, Nazi imagery being modded in, not pictures of Pro Mo'. And no, despite what you think people who mod in SS uniforms aren't modding in images of Pro Mo'. Unless they are, then you MIGHT have a soapbox to stand on.

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  • 3 months later...

I must say I am quite disgusted to see various mods for Fallout 4 promoting Nazi symbols, armors, tattoos, etc.

Is this really a place where those (imho) degenerates are tolerated and maybe even welcomed. At least one of them gets 10+ votes (I know compared to other modes that's next to nothing but to me that's at least 11 votes to many) and I really think this is quite depressing. It's not like those mods are made for enemy factions but factions the player character can join and be (feel) part of.

It's a pity there is no tag like 'nazi lover' or something along those lines. At least I would have a chance to block such content in my configuration...


While in general I am quite tolerant for other peoples views of the world/sexual and even religious preferences, this is something that I really can't understand (both seeing those mods here and the apparent fact nobody else seems to be bothered by it). But I suppose this stuff is covered by the general rules of acceptance here....



still I needed to get this off my chest as it really makes me angry every time I one of those mods.

make what you will of it



Yeah, there are trump supporters here on Nexus mods.... They got outted not by the nazi stuff but by the Bernie Sanders stuff.

Edited by JEdwards89102
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*rolls eyes* And democrat supporters get outed by whining about needing things censored every-time it offends their sensibilities. How about we don't toss stones? Every political group has fringe elements we would rather didn't exist.

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*rolls eyes* And democrat supporters get outed by whining about needing things censored every-time it offends their sensibilities. How about we don't toss stones? Every political group has fringe elements we would rather didn't exist.


And I sit here giggling because I don't give a F*** about politics and start fights before slowly sneaking out the back after it's turned into a bar fight.

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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2889 for example.


I don't know if I'm the one to be pitied or the three of you, thinking supporting this kind of fashism fascism* is something to be ignored, especially considering the current tendency of the people to vote for right-wing extremist views in far too many countries.

guess this ignorant attitude explains a lot of history...


[Edit]* corrected for a) Linspuppy having a point that this word should definitely not be misspelled and b) all those who think that orthography is more important that what the discussion is all about. whatever... I give up and stick with Einstein's quote of universe and infinity and some other stuff I'm too stupid and senstive to remember.

The only "fascism" is being "generally tolerant", which isn't tolerance at all. Tolerance certainly wouldn't extend to mentioning "right-wing-extremist" without mentioning left-wing extremist.

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