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The Witcher 3 Holiday Outfit Mod Contest


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In response to post #32409230. #32738630 is also a reply to the same post.

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thank god some people have some common sense around here.
modding =/= fixing Edited by webhead91
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In response to post #32409230. #32738630, #32750770 are all replies on the same post.

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You're missing the point of what modding is. It's not just about fixing a game. That's is just a small part of it.
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In response to post #32409230. #32738630, #32750770, #32897560 are all replies on the same post.

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Agreed, not the point of modding - there are thousands of Skyrim mods on the nexus, but you only use a few hundred, at best.

Mods are for letting you, the player, create a game tailored to exactly what you want - some people may love texture mods and making their game look spectacular, others may be concerned with making combat or magic or other aspects of gameplay better, etc. This guy may pick SkyRe, that guy may use Ordinator - the point is, you get to choose which one you like rather than being forced to use a one size fits all system that the developer implements.

Plus, the replay value - the developer may release a game far superior to Skyrim in all aspects, you play it and it's great but when you want to play it again it's just more of the same. Mods allow you to make every playthrough different - sure, Whiterun will still be there, but in your second playthrough you might use one of the great Whiterun overhaul mods to make it that much better. You might make a mage character a second time, but if you use Apocalypse or another magic mod, there will be countless new spells to discover and play with.

So yeah, there's definitely countless other reasons why a great moddable game is better than an excellent but unmoddable game, but I only touched on the few I could think of in the few minutes it took me to type this. Suffice it to say though, modding is the reason Skyrim is still going strong over four years after it was released, something that I don't think could be said even if Bethesda made Skyrim a better game that couldn't be modded. Edited by pw508
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That's great what CDPR is doing and I love their business philosophy, but really CDPR, don't kid yourself or your fans. What we really need is ONE thing: an appropriate mod kit. Period.


Frankly, I see this "mod contest" as a tasteless bad joke if we consider the fact CDPR has confirmed that they don't have any plans to release the redkit. Really, CDPR, you're encouraging us to mod TW3 but on the other hand you're discouraging modding.



Edited by lorca1
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Shouldn't they get two swords? And yeah, not hard to see what they're doing, release a shitbox mod kit so modders can't best them, or even compete.... then appease them by pulling this s#*!. How stupid do you think we are? They are liars, simple as that. P.S. It would have been in their best interest if they actually released a mod kit...You could double, triple, your profits from other people's work, morons. That being said, at least the game was playable, and enjoyable without mods...except for 9999 carryweight....And that being said, Skyrim for me was unplayable without mods, but is my all time favorite game with mods!!!!
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In response to post #31815380. #31841755, #31849450, #31850240, #31862285, #31878075, #31878370, #32023345, #32076915, #32403405 are all replies on the same post.

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Actually, the replayability and lifespan of this game is very little, the main reason being, how memorable the missions and mostly cutscenes are!!! You actually remember them in a different way than you would in Skyrim for example. With better graphics, better voiced actors, camera angles etc, it's like watching a movie, and unless it was spectacular, you're not going to watch it again, and if you do, you'll most likely stop less than half way through, Skyrim, however is like going on an adventure every time.
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In response to post #31815380. #31841755, #31849450, #31850240, #31862285, #31878075, #31878370, #32023345, #32076915, #32403405, #33070740 are all replies on the same post.

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Actually, the replayability and lifespan of this game is very little, the main reason being, how memorable the missions and mostly cutscenes are!!! You actually remember them in a different way than you would in Skyrim for example. With better graphics, better voiced actors, camera angles etc, it's like watching a movie, and unless it was spectacular, you're not going to watch it again, and if you do, you'll most likely stop less than half way through, Skyrim, however is like going on an adventure every time.
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