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Oblivion-like Quest Popups/Messages?


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I would like to know, if there is a mod for Skyrim, that makes popups for your quest, just like it was Oblivion (when you've received a quest or accomplished a part of the quest, a certain message popped up, as would your character said that. "I was there and killed that guy, now I need to go somewhere else.") It is similar in Skyrim, when you go to journal, you can see such message or a quest log, but the thing is, it doesn't pop up, like it was in Oblivion and I don't feel checking journal every time. It would be better if there was a similar pop up again in Skyrim. So, does such mod exist? (Because I've searched everywhere, but didn't find such mod.) And if not, would that be hard to make? (unfortunately, I don't know how to make mods)

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Nah. but I think it do-able.


Simply script a pop up every time a quest stage completes, to every quest stage expect the end.


Personally, I wish for a book that updates for every stage. You get a new book for every quest there is, aka journal.

I see. Well, I don't know how to script so I hope someone will make it one day.

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Making a pop up is very easy. It the first scripting thing you know via the CK website and takes 5 minutes. There is also this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70883/?


The hard part is in fact, making all those pop ups. Will take ages.

Then better would be to make an automatic script, which detects a quest and automaticaly make it to pop up. So it could be friendly with mods that add new quests.

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