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Scrap Everything


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I agree.. I don't know why they didn't let us scrap things on the fly either.. like if you're in the wasteland and you see a tire you should be able to turn it into rubber with a portable toolkit or something. Bodies could be turned into oil/bone.


I also hate not being able to clear rubble on the floor in settlements like the castle for instance.. so that you can have a nice flat surface and not have beds sticking up in the air because its on top of a small mount of rubble >.<


Also like the broken catwalks in warwick water plant settlement. Should be able to turn them into steel and then use the space to rebuild a walkway!



scrap everything old houses the grass the trees the logs the npc's broken robots skeletons dead creatures,humans,ghouls whatever...if you can lay your eyes on it flaot your mouse over it or click on it...you should be able to scrap it. but that's just my opinion.

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I agree, I was about to post a request for this same thing. I hope someone is working on it.

It might be heavy carrying a lot of scrapped material from outside the settlement zones but we should still be able to do it. It'd be more realistic if you can haul stuff from nearby your settlements for building.

Also It would be cool if some or all of the stuff you can scrap might reappear in places that would make sense after some time passes, like trees regrowing for wood or scrapable shacks that randomly appear with tires and other stuff in and around it for more rubber, metal, etc.

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yes.. god I am sick of seeing weeds and grass sticking through floors. What is this 1998???? Seriously Bethesda.. you really suck at the little details don't you >.<



Also guys why didn't they let us break junk down into their raw components at a workbench? We need a mod to do that.. it would free up precious weight cap while we are out questing. Unless its already in the game and just a hidden feature somehow? It seems totally illogical to not let us do that.

And I hope someone eventually overhauls the values of items. Like a entire tree gives 12 wood but a pencil gives 1? Lol.. what the f*#@? And tin cans weigh 0.1lbs give 1 steel but a bucket gives what, 2 and weighs 5lbs?


I want to get rid of the dead bushes in front of my house and other weeds. In the meantime, the ScrapScrap mod is nice for cleaning up Sanctuary, but has a bug that resets power armor.

Edited by Trueblue1878
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haven't found a 'weed' or bush(the kind that are part of the environment and 'exist' as is, regardless of whats placed on... or rather, 'in' them (IE they poke though walls, floors, etc) that scrapscrap has been able to remove. The disable console command works on some, but hardly all (many come up as non ref' ids)


sadly whats prob required is a new 'mesh' replacer for all of the settlement grounds.

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Scrap Scrap is buggy.. gunna wait til they fix that cell thing mentioned in the description.. But I have found that you can disable/move a lot of stuff using the console.. I managed to remove the water from those reservoirs in Warwick homestead and the forklift from Murkwater.

But I didn't keep the changes, just in case it glitched my save somehow.

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Scrap Scrap is buggy.. gunna wait til they fix that cell thing mentioned in the description.. But I have found that you can disable/move a lot of stuff using the console.. I managed to remove the water from those reservoirs in Warwick homestead and the forklift from Murkwater.

But I didn't keep the changes, just in case it glitched my save somehow.

yes it is was wondering why I had a t-45 power armor a set of raider armor and a blank frame...now I have 3 full t-45 sets lmao...anywhy *kicks scrap scrap in the balls" and goes to search for new power armor.

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