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Mods vs Plugins and Active vs Inactive


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At the bottom of my mod manager is this information:

Total Plugins: 159

Active Plugins: 147

The next column says

Total Mods: 167

Active Mods: 165

I have wondered what this all means but have never asked. What is the difference between a plugin and a mod and why are some plugins inactive?

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Hey Moksha :smile:


Mod = any modification to the game, inclusive of textures and meshes. Plugin commonly means the mod has an ESP or ESM file (unlike texture/mesh-only mods that, as you know, don't always require an ESP file to affect your game). Inactive mods would mean mods that are...not ticked in your manager, therefore not seen or experienced in ypur game.

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I think I could relate to the dummy esps. Yeah, I do use a bashed file.


Good to have a handle on this stuff in case there is a pop quiz this next Friday. :laugh:


Just noticed that nonoodles and I have the same number of posts. Sort of like the Moon being in the seventh house and Jupiter aligning with Falskaar.

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