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Identical items not stacking in merchant menu


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This may be a silly question, but is there a mod or a workaround that fixes the fact that weapons and armor never seem to stack in more than one or two at a time for selling? I have merchants with a *lot* of money, and it'd be really nice to be able to sell, say, 6 Daedric boots in one transaction after a run through an Oblivion Gate.




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It's not about 'stacking', it's about the money merchant has. If the merchant has only 1200 gold, you can get only 1200 gold if an item you sold is more worth than 1200 gold. And you can't sell stack of items with total price of more than 1200 gold at once.(The merchant won't accept them because they do not have so much money to give you)
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Weapons and armour only stack if they have the same damage percentage. aka for them to stack you have to repair them.


Sorry misread your question, and you can't delete comments :/

Edited by spiritshadowx
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Regardless of how much money your vendor has, items will only stack if they are identical, so that excludes same items from different mods, same items with different damage amounts, etc. The easiest, but expensive, way of getting all of your weapons and armours to stack is to have a merchant that provides repair services to 'Repair All' -- not one at a time! This will make all Daedric Boots, for example, stack up as identical after the 'Repair All' function. Then you can sell as many as you like that totals equal or less than your vendor's bargaining cash.
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This may be a silly question, but is there a mod or a workaround that fixes the fact that weapons and armor never seem to stack in more than one or two at a time for selling? I have merchants with a *lot* of money, and it'd be really nice to be able to sell, say, 6 Daedric boots in one transaction after a run through an Oblivion Gate.


I feel your pain. Before I buffed my mercantile over 75 (and could invest in the shops) I hoarded all that valuable stuff that you practically had to give away. Now I have gold out the whaazoo and still have much of my hoarded loot. Some of my houses have chests or barrels I'm afraid to open they've got to be so full. :tongue:


The quirky leveling system in the game rewards you for selling one item at a time vs. a stack (one transaction = one increment towards your next skill point no matter how many items in that transaction). Early in the game when fewer transactions were needed for each skill point it wasn't a super big deal. Now that I'm past 75 mercantile I need to sell a lot of items one at a time to get that skill point. I guess that's what they invented Master Trainers for ... now off to see Palonirya once again.

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