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Share your rules/mod lists to make the game more difficult/interesting


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Not much came up when I googled ways to make fallout 4 more difficult(in an interesting way), so I was hoping to create a thread where people would share their mod lists/rules they made up.


I play on survival, but I do not find the oh so lazy way of making it more difficult fun. Taking forever to kill something is just not fun at all.


I tried the ironman thing, but I gave up pretty quickly when I realized how many times I'd be doing the early parts of the game. Would become so very tedious.


So the rules I made up were..

No companions.

Limited supplies (Only x amount of stimpacks, radaways etc)

Only 3 guns (Wanted 2 initially but lack of ammo and the need for variety swayed me)

No points in endurance (Upped it to 3 and took the Lifegiver perks after Synths with fully automatic laser pistols infuriated me).

Power armor only in special occasions (I liked the feature so I didn't want to eliminate it entirely.)

Drop all weapons and armor when you die (Liked it at first as a soft version of ironman, but it just ended up making weapons and armor feel less interesting so I stopped)

No weapon or armor storage. If I want a new weapon, I have to discard of my old one not store it for later use. Exceptions for uniques (not legendaries).


Some people say that they make a no V.A.T.S rule, but I almost never use it anyway. It feels lik a built-in cheat.


Some of the mods I use to make the game more difficult:

1. Fallout 4 Loot Overhaul (Essential)

2. ReBallistic/Locational Damage (I really can't decide which one to use)

3. No enemies on compass

4. Better Explosives (I use superlite, and even with that you'll still die from a missile launcher with the Dense armor mod)

5. Arbitration (The combat AI and stealth modules)

Edited by Vhearhok
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I've enjoyed using this mod that makes settlers mortal. - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3483/?


I have not actually lost a settler to it yet, but I also haven't been attacked by a suicider lately. The mod does make attacks scarier so that adds thrill. The modder was smart enough to keep provisioners mortal.


No fast travel unless to respond to a Settlement attack.


My only other rule is that Dogmeat cannot carry things.


Waiting for mods that add weight to caps and ammo.

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  1. Disable protagonist voice

Add Skill conversation check

Let NPCs speak about their life even If I don't need anything from them (like Interesting NPCs for Skyrim)

Add more towns

Make places that feel unique ALIVE and more interesting than kill them all

Super mutant town, ghoul town, hidden atom bomb god

Make POI cleared for real, no supply respawns nor enemies, If I cleared something, should be CLEARED

Settlements overhaul, better UI, more town varieties

Let me be evil

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Delmalki I think you misunderstood what I meant. I was talking about what rules you make up for yourself in your gameplay, and what mods you currently use/have used in order to make the game more difficult.


Disappointed to see that not more people responded, I thought alot more people would be into talking about ways to make the game more challenging that involved more than the lazy idea of difficulty bethesda had.

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I make sure the timescale is set to 6 or 7 so days and nights are impactfully long in duration. I've got my nights modded as dark as they can go. Modding to very easily cripple my limbs and stimpaks are required to un-cripple them. I also do not fast-travel except for settlement raids.


It's not a requirement due to mods yet but I make a point of sleeping at least once a day. I find it tactical to travel during dawn and dusk so I can see fairly well but get some cover from darkness. The sleep needs rule disrupts my ability to use that 100% of the time.


Sometimes doing this puts me in a situation of waking up to radstorms - mine are modded to be very dangerous - so I've gotten in a habit of trying to find someplace indoors I can nest/rest for the next several hours. (I'll Wait if I can't Sleep.) It's more interesting because I frequently wind up in weird combat scenarios in these little hidey-hole buildings I find, which I'd otherwise pass up. It makes the loot I find a side-effect of trying to manage my needs as a living thing, instead of the videogamey 'lol let's go find stuff'. You can probably tell I used to run FWE in FO3. Heh.


Given how my rad-x and radaway are piling up, I should probably start imposing a daily food requirement on my lone survivor as well. I do make a point of selling off pre-war food items in favour of hunting fresher meat to cook myself, so I suppose that's still not gonna be a problem until somebody mods cooked food to remain radioactive.



My other rule is that I keep three weapons on my favourites tab, and these are what I can swap between during combat. (grenades have their own key so I only use the one type currently accessed by it). I assume everything else is stowed deep in a massive backpack, otherwise how would I juggle all this stuff? I can swap out other weapons when I'm not fighting, in which case I re-assign my favourites. I like to keep one melee, one handgun, and something longrange/scoped if I am able to. I might drop this to just two favourited weapons if I want more of a challenge.

Edited by Pthalo
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