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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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They didnt want a multiplayer version, but as some mod maker messed around with it and made a multiplayer 2 person mod for it.. wich did not go unnoticed by bethesda , they suddenly changed their minds

As usual they keep an eye on modders.. this is just another hasty decision from bethesada to make more money out of it , before some serious modder gets the idea to get online with oblivion and make money with thier product

Its their way to kick serious modders into a corner , we give the ideas.. they walk away with it.. thats how it works

sorry bethesda.. theres already as multiplayermod for your game lol :) , tho not "yet" online , it does handle 2 character in one game.. for now..and it works quite well too

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The game would totally SUCK,(kinda) if the TES series was made into a traditional MMO style. If you ask me, the game would be handled WAY better if it was hosted like the old dungeon siege in a way(people make a "room", and the game takes off of what that person did). That would save the great opporitunity to let people keep their mods, and all your friend has to do is maybe download it? Also if someone just added a few areas, no biggy.


Here's a list of features I think would make this work.


The choice of the original host of whether or not the game is PvP/PvE/Co-Op/Free Player/Mods used

The ability to kick out those mothas that say STFU NOOB, HA PWNED YOU/ WHOS YO DADDY YOU DUMB NOOB/etc.

Passwords for your area

Whether or not you can kill any NPCs, other than ones involved in "killing" quests.


P.S.(where's that multiplayer mod :P )

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i would like to see a party then a full online game bc frist of all it would be very laggy and i would hate to go and start a new game bc it wont be fair for other ppland i would like it to maybe have armys or something like that and last of all we would have to have no mods witch would suck and ppl who say stuff like it no biggy for ppl to get mods that other ppl dont have well i would hate it if i had to fill my hard drive with huge mods some over 500 mb so just say it would be nice but make it a mod or a expention pack sry for my spelling
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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


The first hot topic sparked an interesting conversation with over 125 comments so far. Hopefully this one will be just as hotely debated. If you have something to say then make it seen with other members of TESSource.


Hot Topic #2 focuses on the age old Elder Scrolls community topic loathed by community veterans:


In a make believe world where Bethesda have just announced they're in the design stage of an Elder Scrolls multiplayer game (for the PC) what would you expect Bethesda to produce? What would you like to see from a true multiplayer capable Elder Scrolls game?


Would you expect a co-operative (PvE) or competetive (PvP) Morrowind/Oblivion game with limited numbers of players or would you hope for a huge MMOFPRPG? Maybe even a switch to the conventional MMORPG format that currently dominate the MMO market?


Feel free to debate whether or not you think Bethesda could pull off a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game or whether it would suit the series.

I’ll say the same thing I’ve said before (wish I would have saved it some where).

A good game (video game at least) has to be a great one person game first and anything else second!


If they stick to this design philosophy I don’t care what else they do to the game, it can have MMORPG or MMOFPRPG features as long as I’m not forced into it.

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I’ll say the same thing I’ve said before (wish I would have saved it some where).

A good game (video game at least) has to be a great one person game first and anything else second!


If they stick to this design philosophy I don’t care what else they do to the game, it can have MMORPG or MMOFPRPG features as long as I’m not forced into it.


I'll say the same thing I've said before: you have absolutely no undersanding of game design. Single player and multiplayer (especially MMOs) have entirely different design concepts. Being a good single player game does not translate into being a good multiplayer game, just like good multiplayer doesn't mean the single player is good. While it's possible to have both in one game, that happens because the developers put considerable effort into developing BOTH modes, essentially producing two different games.


maker messed around with it and made a multiplayer 2 person mod for it.. wich did not go unnoticed by bethesda , they suddenly changed their minds

As usual they keep an eye on modders.. this is just another hasty decision from bethesada to make more money out of it , before some serious modder gets the idea to get online with oblivion and make money with thier product


And immediately get sued by Bethesda for the obvious copyright violation. Trying to sell a mod for money is one of the more suicidal ideas you could have, the developer will enforce their rights.


Any plans by Bethesda to make a multiplayer game (which are still pure speculation) are because they feel it is the correct/profitable decision, not because of any efforts by modders.


The game would totally SUCK,(kinda) if the TES series was made into a traditional MMO style. If you ask me, the game would be handled WAY better if it was hosted like the old dungeon siege in a way(people make a "room", and the game takes off of what that person did). That would save the great opporitunity to let people keep their mods, and all your friend has to do is maybe download it? Also if someone just added a few areas, no biggy.


Here's a list of features I think would make this work.


The choice of the original host of whether or not the game is PvP/PvE/Co-Op/Free Player/Mods used

The ability to kick out those mothas that say STFU NOOB, HA PWNED YOU/ WHOS YO DADDY YOU DUMB NOOB/etc.

Passwords for your area

Whether or not you can kill any NPCs, other than ones involved in "killing" quests.


P.S.(where's that multiplayer mod :P )


Seriously people, read the earlier posts. I've already explained why this kind of multiplayer is not possible without completely destroying the spirit of the Elder Scrolls series.

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Hmm...TES online


I would like to see it as more of a NWN 1 format, than a WOW format. Instead of a game that is trying for the almighty buck, and therefore spend most of its development in "leveling the playingfield" or "balancing the experience" for all Paying players, why not just let people host the respective maps on their own servers (or pay servers like I see used for BF2142 games). People can have member-restricted log in on their servers, or have their games open for all. Mods would still be a factor, because without them Oblivion loses about 40% - 60% of its gloss...and each server could designate mods for their respective games.

Possibly have a mod uploader/downloader that is integrated, that can disperse mods to all game platforms (yeah..I know that some of the better mods are hundreds of megs (and some retexture mods can reach a gig...but still)).

Maybe even have a mod "safe zone" in the data folder where they are installed, but are only used in online games that ask for them (to avoid mod conflicts, and allow players to experience differing mods for the same aspect of the game...and have them enabled/disabled transparently). A user could still enable a particular mod for his own server, or single player experience via a menu (like the existing one).


So, to recap: TES online, Like NWN1...not WOW.

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i would like to see a party then a full online game bc frist of all it would be very laggy and i would hate to go and start a new game bc it wont be fair for other ppland i would like it to maybe have armys or something like that and last of all we would have to have no mods witch would suck and ppl who say stuff like it no biggy for ppl to get mods that other ppl dont have well i would hate it if i had to fill my hard drive with huge mods some over 500 mb so just say it would be nice but make it a mod or a expention pack sry for my spelling


Spelling? How about punctuation, you know, those pesky little "." and "," on the lower right hand of the keyboard. I can't even read your post.

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MMO !? TES !? Dare you ruin such a game ? Seriously Ive played through Morrowind and Oblivion and both are perfect as they are. The most i would like to see is a MULTI PLAYER version of this game. Now that i could handle, 4 players maybe more but at the most 6. I also liked the idea mentioned earlier on in this topic which was to make the arena multi player. I find that the arena is far too easy, and is not challenging at all, I know you could mod it but the idea of an Online arena would be cool. :happy:
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Some of us just like to be able to turn on a game whenever we want, play a little, and then stop playing to go to work, sleep, have sex with other people, etc. MMOs waste too much of our precious time with their incredibly long leveling processes, nonexistent storylines, and need to find other people to group with. I don't spend my entire life gaming, and do not wish to play games that force me to associate with people who spend their lives playing games.


Oblivion lets me came and go as much as I please without having to worry about paying monthly fees or dealing with the types of people willing to do so.

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After almost spending two years on this great site,and hundreds of hours with Cs here goes my first two scents!



We need a pub , I mean a big pub that somehow links to your in game or even a pub in each town. Would love to buy you guys a round :excl:


There one can interact and show off combination of clothes and Armour even arrange for a duel in the arena the next morning.


Once you leave this pub or inn you return to your normal game. This way you have the best off all worlds, watch the game come alive.



This in game chat-room and fighting arena however must be controlled (age groups) via on-line registration.


what ya think?


Can this be modded?


PS This would be great way to introduce new clothes and armor to the community.

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