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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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Oblivion in this case should be like D&D(dungeon and siege) 2 you choose if you want to play as single or PvE or PvP or MMORPG.
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i THINK, it will be something in the lines of guild wars, but still have that single-player charm. As in, still have a few single player quests and stuff. what im saying is a WoW/Giuld Wars game, BUT, it has no "horde vs. alliance", just player - made guilds warring/making alliances/trading. i hope u understand this. i dont think i understood what i said either, though :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
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Oblivion With Multiplayer. That's All I Want. They Can Make A Multiplayer Game If They Want But It BETTER Be An Oblivion Clone With Multiplayer :P
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As long as it didn't turn out to be utter crap like Guild Wars, i'd be happy.(i like to be able to see random people in teh wilderness, not just quest-based characters and your guild.)


Also, if it didn't cause a greater lag, i'd be overjoyed.

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The one thing that I would lament is the limitations multiplayer would put on mods. Most FPS games from Doom onward allowed for synchronization of files, but with current Oblivion as multiplayer? I'm not sure people would want to wait 30 minutes to start playing unless it was with a close friend. Some people have a laundry list of stinkin' mods going and some mods are simply daunting in size. Like Battlespire, I believe it would have to be geared for multiplayer only and not very mod friendly at all.


Having said that, I still hold hope that meaningful multiplayer could be achieved in Tamriel someday. An MMORPG isn't out of the question in my mind, but it would have to be done with an engine designed for role-play... like the Hero Engine by Simutronics.

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