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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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i think they could do it, but will i have the ableity so swich to one player. it would be great if you could bring in a character from oneplayer to a online ablion form your own guild and rule!!!
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I would love to see a multiplayer option for a game like Oblivion. I don't want yet another fantasy MMO :wacko:


But a game where you can host it on a private server and you and your friends can get together or do your own thing could be cool. It would be neat if you were questing and just happened to run into a buddy, or having trouble with a quest and could have your friend come help you.

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An MMO based game wouldn't be bad ethier! It Would be a Seriously complex Game, Like if you joinned a faction the dark BrotherHood, for instance, would they have you kill an actuall player, or just an NPC. Plus the Reason I like Oblivion Is its a huge Rpg Game That you dont have a to Pay an annual fee for. For instance World of Warcraft is a good game its just that stupid annual fee. Then with all those poeple running around at such high graphics, your gonna get alot of lag if you dont have an Awesome computer.


Thanks For reading!! =)

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I think that it would be a much better idea to keep the game small and let a max of about 6 players into the game... if even that many. There are lots of issues that come up such as... how will you rest? how will mods work? custom textures? will the story be as good as it usually is or what it have to be "TES-Lite" in order to keep the action-based multiplayer atmosphere alive.

The problem with adding in tons of players at one time is the fact that it becomes a competition then and no one wants to create a "gimp" character. Bethesda would be forced to keep people within certain character class limits and prevent the custom creation of a class. TES has never been about balanced characters and that is what would have to happen if they made an Action-RPG style game with multiple players (think Diablo 2 or Silverfall) or an MMO (think WoW or EQ2). An MMO would KILL this series. I love the fact that i can escape all the idiots in my WoW guild be playing a bit of single player RPGs. I hope to the Lord that BethSoft doesn't sell out and go the MMO route.

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i think (with exception of the view of the player) they should build it upon an game i used to play when i was younger, Runescape. There is designated areas where players can fight, the "wilderness", and the farther your go into it, there will be higher loot, but higher level players will be able to attack you. You can trade anytime, simply by right clicking on the other player, and selecting trade (the other player has to accept too). The npcs are reasonably basic (no AI, small dialouge, as many people as wanted can talk to the npc at the same time) and you can not attack them.


That is just some guidelines though. It would be ALOT to do and uphold for bethsoft. If they mess up, it could bring dissapointment to millions.

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