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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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As a loyal player of both Oblivion and the mmorpg classic City of Heroes ( not fantasy but as close to free form and customizable as a MM can be).. i have a hard time seeing the twain meet . My COH time is fun, rewarding and after nearly 2 years I have made many fine friends and compatriots, but I look to Oblivion and the TES world in a much more personal way . MY time spent in Tamriel is MINE. I can customize it MY way mod it to suit ME. My characters in Cyrodil would not WANT to share their world with a half million others. It would break the Archmage Serafina's heart to see the Sword of Serafina placed as a reward in some popular quest for several hundred thousand online players, when it was retired in honor after she used it to cut a way for herself and Martin to the temple. I see no way I could use OMM to properly customize an online environment, and although i LOVE pvp ;).. i cant see a way to do it properly Tes style :(


But I'll give Bethesda this... If ANYONE out there can do these things for multi or ORP .... THEY can. TES has not let me down yet.. I loved Daggerfall. I loved Morrowind. I love Oblivion, But just to create the same type of living breathing environment for an online RPG would be copping out.. setting the bar too low. So this is a challenge....figure out how to make it as customizable and personal of an ONLINE world as it is as an FPRPG.. I would LOVE to do Tamriel with my friends... MY WAY. I say GO FOR IT.. but dont expect me to settle for some mass market rubber stamp crap just because it has TES graphics and themes.. I don't want that . and I wont buy it. But if you succed, he he he,...If you can give us the whole enchilada... the BIG ONE.. I just might quit my job, move to Maryland, buy an old building on your street and start my own church of the nine :O

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Oh please, quit whining. Lets think about this for a second, and compare some entertainment options:


Cost of dinner out with friends: $10-15

Time spent: 1, maybe 2 hours, one night.


Cost of a movie ticket: $7

Time spent: 1-2 hours.


Cost of average new game: $60

Time spent: lots of hours over a short time, questionable replay value.


Cost of a month's MMORPG subscription: $15

Time spent: lots of hours, over an entire month, with high replay value.




So, what conclusions can we draw here? MMORPGs provide a higher hours of entertainment per dollar ratio than any of the other forms of entertainment. Even other games fail to match that ratio, since if you buy a new game more than once every four months, you're spending more than an MMORPG would cost. And finally, $15 a month is a trivial amount to anyone who actually has a job, it's not like we're talking about $1000/month fees or something.


Dinner with friends is a bad comparison here since we all got to eat. In that one, you are satisfying a need and get entertainment as an added benefit.


We all know how they rip us off at movies. You might as well bump the price to $20 since chances are you'll be buying snacks (unless you smuggled them in).


The solution to the new game one is buy a game that has replay value, a strong modding community, and/or is just massive. I could see this being a point several years ago, but not today. Also, don't you have to spend that $60 just to buy the MMORPG in the first place anyways, just seems like the company is double dipping.


Also, I have friends who have jobs, who were in the situation were $15 decided which bill they were going to pay, and chose the MMORPG bill over other costs. Yes, I know my friends are stupid sometimes, but the point is $15 is not trivial. And some of us don't need to buy a new game every four months, we *shock* were smart enough to buy games with replay value (whether that value comes from playing it again immediately afterwards or deciding to play it again a year or two down the road), yes, I know it is a shock to many that games do no go bad like fruit.


That's just my opinion, but if you want to play them, go ahead, it's your money.


I do not care if the next TES has a multiplayer feature as long as it is a good single player game, since that is what TES is all about. Of course if they make it a MMORPG, I'll admit I would be mad about it since I am not willing to pay the normal price for a game and per month.

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Making Oblivion Multiplayer on Line would destroy the wonderful single player game that the modding community has collectivley help build. This would be a sad move for TES and alienate many, many buyers of the game.
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If they did make an oblivion game online, it would be like World Of Warcraft, except with better graphics and more things to do. It would have every thing from the single player oblivion world, plus duel arenas were you can battle it out with other players from all around the world. They should consider making it.
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It would be awesome to have a world like Oblivion populated with real people to compliment the tiring, repetitive dialog of NPC's. If PC's could open up trader's posts and for the game to be able to upload/download and implement items while the game is active. I think PvP should be limited to Arenas specifically created for that purpose where items for and only available for the arena are the only allowable weapons/armor etc. Grossly hacked players would find the door locked to them. Championships and prizes would be awarded. Another idea would be jousting tournaments, marksman competitions and hunts and other festivities.
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I'm in the "Multiplayer would be aweessoommmeee" camp. I also understand how crazy of a game that would make Elder Scrolls, but... when has that ever been suprising for Bethesda ;)



Personally, it's not so much the partying and PvP that excites me about something online, though those are quite great...



It's the fact that I have a dining room in my home, fully set and ready........ and nobody eating in there.


It's sort of... disconcerting!

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I think an MMO/WoW style game would kill the genre and go against the whole thing that makes this game enjoyable.


What i would like to see is something similar to Guild Wars in the sense that you enter a main city and can interact with other players when you leave the city, you and your companions have their own instance of the world. But they would have to ensure that the game was tailored towards a small group of people adventuring and having fun together, not about some massive population of people.


I would like to see soemthing will Oblivion where you can have your friends join in with you.

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I think an MMO/WoW style game would kill the genre and go against the whole thing that makes this game enjoyable.


What i would like to see is something similar to Guild Wars in the sense that you enter a main city and can interact with other players when you leave the city, you and your companions have their own instance of the world. But they would have to ensure that the game was tailored towards a small group of people adventuring and having fun together, not about some massive population of people.


I would like to see soemthing will Oblivion where you can have your friends join in with you.


I agree with this post entirely!

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