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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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I suspect that if Bethesda ever did create a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game, it would most likely be an MMORPG. Actually, I was thinking that before I even finished reading the hot topic. I think that making a co-op or competitive game would be fun, but if thay stick to the usual Elder Scrolls flavor of creating a massive freeform world, then it would probably be silly to have it function as a two player game.


Also, the concept of a big co-op game brings images of certain games like Gauntlet to mind. But a series like that runs off of a wildly different camera in a wildly different setting. I can only see an Elder Scrolls game in fullscreen. Thus, if an Elder Scrolls game was ever multiplayer, I'd imagine it would be an MMO.


Which might be kinda fun. :)


Honestly though, I really wouldn't want to see the Elder Scrolls series going online as an MMO. I like my mods too much, and there'd be some series stuff going on if we had an MMORPG with killer mods active. Then I don't think it would be too fun anymore; running into a bored player with a modded uber sword of doom. But I believe that a big part of what made Morrowind and Oblivion great was the Contruction Set and the ability to mod it. As everyone here already knows, the games have endless replay value thanks to mods. As long as great mods continue to be released, the game never gets old.


Anyway, so my final words are that if Bethesda ever created a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game, it would probably be an MMORPG. But I'd rather see them stick to the one-player goodness they're known for.

I agree completely with Eiries.
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If Oblivion was an online game I think LAN would work best. 20 players should be the limit. I would hate it if your name appeared above your head all the time. I would hate hiding behind a rock or in the dark, only to be found because my name was floating above me and giving my position away.


If Oblivion was an MMO with mods working etc. I would probably be the only Nord in the game where all the other players are Mystic Elf assassins and strippers. :D

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</begin rant>

Personally, even though I am clearly in the minority, I think it could be awesome. The people who posted before me have a point, leveling would be an issue. The same is true for modding (obviously) and the general stupidity of players.

I think it'd be cool if an ascension system was implemented, so as soon as you die (of old age(high level) you are reincarnated in another plane of Oblivion ie. Boethia or Azura's realm. New restrictions would have to be placed on spells, damage etc. so that you can't have a level one master of every skill in the game, like making you unable to learn more (level up skills) until you level up. So if you can level up twice but choose not to, you cannot improve your skills.

Modding could be handled by making a list of items creatures, etc. to be voted upon by users to determine new additions to the game. Hopefully, you could chose between a modded an unmodded list of servers, and possibly between types of models (modded, fantasy, modded, realistic etc.). If you play without a certain model or texture, a default sword or piece of armor appears instead. For scripted effects (bowsway, immersive caves, etc.) or other changes should be server specific, or, if not cheats, isolated to only your computer. No editing the leveling system though.

The stupid people can be quite aggravating, but filters could be made to remove or change any stupid words. "lol" or any variant of it could be changed to "ha", and "1337" can be changed to "pathetic", as most people who use that phrase are.

</end rant>

I'd love to see a more community active group of players, player ranks and economics, etc. One thing I wouldn't like to see is fast travel. Apart from the reason that it's cheat-like, it would ruin economics. Why pay four gold in one town if you can go to another instantly and by it for three? That would allow for merchant classes. Player formed guilds would be sweet too. Pretty much like what I've heard about Eve. A virtual, medival, sandbox.

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Are we really talkin' bout OBLIVION ONLINE or MORROWIND ONLINE? The first post just said multiplayer game from Bethesta.. So we're not talkin' bout Oblivion Online or Morrowind Online.. We're talkin bout Multiplayer/Online game from Bethesta.. So anyway.. They managed to pull off Morrowind and Oblivion.. Two great games IMO.. Why not just trust these guys for making another boom? That's what I do :P
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They'd probably go with an MMORPG in that case, making sure the RP value of the games would finally be more able to be made.

Hopefully with more houses to buy and more factions.

But this is actually quiet similiar to Darkfall Online in this case.


I don't mind a 32 Multiplayer ability with both PvP and Coopertive.

Could be very fun for us Roleplayers.

Eagerly awaiting the Multiplayer mod to be more functioning tbh.

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An MMORPG would be horrible. If anything, it should be PvP, strictly. I'm thinking FPS types - deathmatches, CTF, the works! And the servers could require certain mods to be downloaded.. or not. Only functional ones, obviously, like Supreme Magicka for the fun spells :P .


As long as they don't make us pay monthly... which knowing Bethesda, they would.

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I would stick to Multiplayer.

Lets face it; you can't beat WoW, but i would gladly see an oblivion like game made multiplayer with a PvE kind of style. Make it like Ragnarok, so that the quests are hard and you must get smeone higher your own lvl to help you out.

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I personally think that moviing into the MMO market for Bethesda would be a bad move, the company has made a name for itself with great single player games, and to invest in making an MMO which has a markedly different form to a single player game wouldn't be their best possible move.

I personally would love to see a lan experience or something like that for Oblivion or TES V, with one or two others, but I would not like to see them make the jump to MMO. The market has extremely strong competition with MMO's and The Elder Scroll series has strong hold of its niche in single player action RPGS, there ain't many games out there like The Elder Scrolls series, and none have achieved its success. SO while the notion of money in the MMO market may seem enticing, the amount of work involved in making an MMO plus the additional work of keeping it running, and because it is a fantasy styled game it would come into direct competition with WOW, LOTR online, and conan.

Well that's my bit anyway...

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the is an online RPG game called Runescape, I fear that if Oblivion were multiplayer it would be a lot like this and what I mean by that is "a lot of level 30 playes picking on new guys to level up" so basically what we have here is a new guy joines Oblivion online and then all the up lvled people f*ck him up. You can do multiplayer with games like Gears Of War etc. because it is an equal playing field and all relies on the players skill. But when you do an online game based on the level of a player it becomes a bit more complex because high leveled players take advantage of "the new level 1 Bosmer". Just my opinion on Oblivion multiplayer doesnt mean everyone should think this way just my take on it.
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