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Low boing sound heard randomly


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best way to make sure it never happens is to constantly be recording so you can catch it... sod's law :P


I've noticed some odd sounds myself, but it turned out the main one that was driving me crazy was an alert from the enemy turrets helpfully telling me that they'd gone to sleep so I could resume sneaking safely and snipe them before they start blasting me... not only was it annoying but it was also immersion breaking! luckily, mods :D could be that one that you mean?

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Yeah it's hard to define what a sound sounds like =P

Yeah it doesn't appear to be a game/computer clock chime.

Further defining it, it sounds like a cowboy sound affect: Picture the O.K. Corral, the scene starts with the blistering sun. ~Here the sound effect the "boing" would go off harmonizing with a few puffs on the harmonica followed by a descending whistle that fades out.~ The camera pans down to the arena as the two opponents face off, a tumble weed blows in between the two, triggering the draw as it passes between them. One opponent falls, it was the good guy! ~Next audio segment does the "boing" followed by a chorded lower version of the "boing", accompanied by a rattle snake and another descending whistle.~

Well that was fun to write =P

Next hypothesis is it may be a common sound effect around destroyed metal objects like playground equipment or car doors.

Edited by McC1oud
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