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I'll never endorse this!


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I also disagree, this is the internet.....lets be honest here. A good amount of Troll happenings go on around here. Well I completely support the idea that someone needs to beable to deal with some negative feedback. How is it fair that someone who just did something wrong with the mod or the like is going to give a frustrated thumbs down? People can be pretty big asses....the current system works fairly well, based on how many endorsements it has can tell you a lot about the mod. I usually read the forum/comment section first to see what kind of problems may pop up. If you don't do your research first...the problem was you.

I generally agree. It begs the question though, how would you know some one did not do due diligence? In the interests of disclosure, I do diligence in the regards you mention on every single file I ever download. But we can't have a checklist to see if a negative endorser did, can we?


*going to reply to both your quotes in one post if you don't mind*


Like I said...I've used a mod that...honestly It looked cool and worked. But in game it just....didn't fit my style. *shrugs* But I wouldn't ...down vote it simply because it wasn't to my taste. I just simply wouldn't endorse it. But just because I don't like it or dig it doesn't mean it's bad.


Now as to what you call the crux of the problem. I admit when I look to rent a home/room on vacation I tend to dig for the unsatisfied reviews. Good reviews are a dime a dozen and usually say the same thing. BUT that is when I'm spending actual money on things.


But for this I guess the argument would have to be...what is there to gain by adding it? Will it really save you any time? Or will it just create flame wars? Which is what most negative things usually create on the internet. So no you are back in the same boat of digging through the negative reviews. I'm dubious at best at the idea it would save me any time on the mods. Most people are sold by the pictures or description the author set up. I'm one of them, but I always scan the topic just to see how much conversation has garnered then click download. I've only endorsed a few things myself and they are generally the ones I think really up my enjoyment level. Others will just have to be content with my download.

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However, you chose to disagree with my post, thankfully civilly, but associated with me by replying. This is so in so many social aspects, why would we ignore it here? We may disagree on the CS aspect, but I'll buy you a Gwinett if the near future doesn't prove me right in that regard.

i have no idea what you are trying to say here... you mind rephrasing it?

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However, you chose to disagree with my post, thankfully civilly, but associated with me by replying. This is so in so many social aspects, why would we ignore it here? We may disagree on the CS aspect, but I'll buy you a Gwinett if the near future doesn't prove me right in that regard.

i have no idea what you are trying to say here... you mind rephrasing it?



However you might disagree with, in this case civilly to which I am thankful, you did through replying to my prior comment. In so many ways as information can be conveyed, why would we ignore this here? We may disagree on the CS (never use aspect, the word is filler), I'll buy a Gwinett (beer) in the near future if the world doesn't end. That last part is actually a joke referencing being wrong about the social ramifications of the downvote option.




Sorry, Master's Degree with classes in Historiography. For me, sorting through language is easy.

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I stopped reading after I see this line.

because of the author's really, really bad customer service attitude, poor roll out, and so on.


You're using THEIR mods, for free. You're not entitled to the so called "customer service".


You're the squatter, they're the home owners. They let you stay for free, it's common sense that you're not supposed to go and complain when the AC stops working and demand them to fix it for you.

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I stopped reading after I see this line.

because of the author's really, really bad customer service attitude, poor roll out, and so on.


You're using THEIR mods, for free. You're not entitled to the so called "customer service".


You're the squatter, they're the home owners. They let you stay for free, it's common sense that you're not supposed to go and complain when the AC stops working and demand them to fix it for you.


I get the impression that for OP it's not so much about customer service (which was merely a choice of words) as simply wanting to be treated respectfully in his interactions with the mod author. Can't blame anyone for wanting that.


But he loses me when he wants to punish said mod author. I dislike the entire concept of downvotes, because humans simply can't be trusted to wield them appropriately. They end up corralling people and undermining their creative expression. Sometimes this can be a good thing, people are less likely to be asses if there is any sort of personal cost to it, but more often than not it does more harm than good imo. Glad to hear such a feature will never be coming to nexus.

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The largest problem with downvotes for me has to be... we're all human. Humans can be pretty big unapologetic dicks with a vast pension for both pettiness and arrogance. If granted the option for downvotes, Nexus could find itself confronted with similar problems associated with Steam Greenlight, namely... game and social media spamming. People could use social media to organize 'clicks' to intentionally downvote mods while voting up others. For Steam Greenlight, this causes lots of "Digitial Homicides" (see what I did there). The counter argument to this is that 'clicks' can still be created to up-vote mods with the current system, and my retort to that is the current system allots for up-votes yes, whereas what you want will also allow intentional sabotage of other people's mod releases, with the difference between the two being that the former allows for bad modders to slightly prosper while the later allows bad modders to prosper while taring down the competition.


We are not Steam Greenlight, and we do not make money off of our creations. Downvotes, as currently elaborated upon by you, only exist to tare down what other people like in the name of some sort of bizarre egalitarianism, a belief in equality to downvote as well as upvote to cancel out what other people like.



"It is obvious that in the near future the studios, Nexus, authors, and who have you, will be entangled in very commercial dealings, or at least a good deal will." You argue that this should be the way forward because the industry is changing in a way where our work will be soon commercialized. I argue that you are wrong because Bethesda has already explained, that only the mods uploaded to them, and which meet their approval, will be allowed for commercial redistribution. Nexus as of now will not be commercialized, and as of now the site is still freelance with none of the authors prospering financially from it... you are not a customer.



"No, I don't misunderstand customer service. When one advertises and displays a product, even a self sacrificing, well made labor of love, it is implicit that a level of support will be forthcoming. " Below is the literal definition of what it means to be a customer. You have to actually 'buy' something to be a customer. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact, you are incorrect which is perfectly fine... probably just a poor word choice.


Customer: One that purchases a commodity or service.


All of the other things... yeah... might of mis-read you... my bad.

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If you go into your Nexus Download History you will see 'thumb up' and 'no thumb up' icons to click, this is essentially 'Endorsing' and 'Abstaining' for each mod you've downloaded.


You Abstain by not Endorsing the mod. Nexus just doesn't have a public tally on it because it has the potential for major abuse.

Edited by kraag
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Once upon a time we did have a downvote. It was heavily abused. That got it scrapped.

Now, if you don't like a mod, please refrain from trolling and just don't endorse it. Why is that so difficult to understand? :rolleyes:

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I also disagree, this is the internet.....lets be honest here. A good amount of Troll happenings go on around here. Well I completely support the idea that someone needs to beable to deal with some negative feedback. How is it fair that someone who just did something wrong with the mod or the like is going to give a frustrated thumbs down? People can be pretty big asses....the current system works fairly well, based on how many endorsements it has can tell you a lot about the mod. I usually read the forum/comment section first to see what kind of problems may pop up. If you don't do your research first...the problem was you.

I generally agree. It begs the question though, how would you know some one did not do due diligence? In the interests of disclosure, I do diligence in the regards you mention on every single file I ever download. But we can't have a checklist to see if a negative endorser did, can we?




Why would one have to exist? Does one exist for the positive endorser? Why does the guy who does not like it have to defend that position, but anyone can make fake accounts and positively endorse their own stuff till the cows come home?

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