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Too much Jet In game fix


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I See in F04edit I could change the duration, potency, weight, name and such of Jet (not by modifying the esm, but making a mod to do so), but is there a way to change it's frequency of showing up in game, or adjusting the randomness? For me, Jet just shows up way too often.


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It's almost like high school drug awareness lessons. "Drugs are everywhere kids!" Except they never were... but Jet really is everywhere in Fallout. It's shoved in half the toilets, in every other scientists's desk, all through hospitals (why?!) and practically crawling out of crates.


Anyway, supporting this idea.

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Lore wise, Jet is probably the easiest drug to make and get your hands on, so it would make sense there would be a lot of it everywhere. Even from a crafting perspective, Jet is the easiest drug to make. This is what I tell myself whenever I see Jets drops

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