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Faust87's SPAM post has been deleted. <_<


As long as there is SPAM moderators are required to keep their weapons of SPAM destruction on good working order.



Vamp_Roland - welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay - and watch out for the garlic and the stakes :lol:


We're doing our best to keep topics SPAM free, and to discourage posts which add nothing save an increment to the user's postcount, but there's only so much we can do against the hordes of the SPAMbringers....



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It looks like this big orange yellow ball that causes your health to slowly deplete. And it apears in the morning and leaves in the afternoon. And its our(our meaning vampires)worst enemy. Screw the witch hunters their nothing when it comes to winding up in the middle of nowhere when the sun is rising(See my other thread Vampirism for techniques to help your self avoid the sun and other techniques for vampires)
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