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Vault Girl Mod Development Thread


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Just want to throw my words of support in to the mix! Great job on this, given so many have tried and given up it's great to see someone sticking around and continually updating this.

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bigCman123 - I owe you an apology.

It is not for anything I have said in these forums or for that matter to anyone else.

When you announced that you were abandoning the original artistic plan for Vault Girl - the same one that we had used, loved and grown accustomed to in FO3 and FONV - I thanked you for all your work and bid you a good day, never bothering to look back. I had assumed that you would behave like most other modders (and game developers for that matter) and would be completely consumed by "your vision" of the direction you personally wanted because it's your work and you own it and tough s*** to anyone who did not see things your way. I fully expected a complete purge of all previous work no matter how popular it was because you had a axe to grind.


I started a new playthrough with a female character and basically that's how I ended up here. I was hoping to find an old version of your mod by chance. What I found instead was that you went to the trouble to include the original art work in your most recent downloads - despite your obvious inclination to not use it anymore. Not only did you make the older art that you did not care for available, you also went the extra step of actually incorporating it fully in the install package simply to appease the people really loved the original work. You did this not because it was part of your "vision" but because other gamers wanted it. In an environment such as game modding that is a rare animal. As I stated before in this thread I also used to mod games. I know first hand what time consumer it can be and how people can sometimes nitpick decisions you make despite the immense amount of effort it took you just to get done what you did. You choose to let the gamers who really loved the earlier version the option to continue using it in a current version so as not to pull the rug out from under those who really enjoyed the older work. That almost never happens after a mod maker announces a change in vision.


So I apologize. I was wrong to assume that you would take the tyrant route that sooooo so many other modders take with their mods in forums like these. I say all this to make sure that you are aware that at least some of us really appreciate what you did. I wish more people in the modding communities of games had your attitude.


Thank You once again!

Edited by wileecoyote1969
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Just want to throw my words of support in to the mix! Great job on this, given so many have tried and given up it's great to see someone sticking around and continually updating this.


I know. A lot of people give up on these kind of projects. I'm just taking it steady. It's easy to obsess over how substantial the work is, but just focusing on doing little bits at a time and working on it occasionally when I have time keeps me from growing tired of it. Also sharing the mod helps too because I want people to use it, find out when things don't work and get feedback, even though I'm not finished with it.


bigCman123 - I owe you an apology.


Thank You once again!


No problem I understand why people were upset. Also I went back on my original statement. Vault Girl Alt is still being supported as a full option.


*deleted nevermind*


I saw your original post in an email. Did you figure out what was causing the crashes? I've heard of others having a similar issue, but I don't know why they had the problem.

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No problem I understand why people were upset. Also I went back on my original statement. Vault Girl Alt is still being supported as a full option.



Well side effect of all of this is that your mod is now 3 times cooler. I know it is more work but to be honest it is just awesome with three choices. And though I did not mention it yet, the newest Vault Girl is pretty damn cool as well (it did not exist the last time I visited this thread)

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is normal that the star counters on the top left of each perk is missing ?

The only star counters that are showing up of the ones of SPECIAL

not sure what you mean as i get all the stars in game still


I men the Stars that show in what level you are in a perk, like 3 stars in the perk chart if you have level 3 commando,.


is what I mean, the top row have stars but the rest don't have the yellow stars that count the skill level

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Hi, bigCman123.

I wanted to say that your artwork is incredibly beautiful and it definitely inspires me (to print a t-shirt of it), especially because I always (solid 100% of the time) play as female characters, and more importantly what made me love this mod, even more, is that your concept is gracefully modest. I was so delighted when I found it at first last week when I returned to play Fallout after a break of one year.

Since then I also wanted to change the icon of the game shortcut that lays on my taskbar 24/7 to your recent vault girl portrait (so I can stare at it all day), Just like the one in your profile pic, but with a transparent background, only the face without the shoulders, any chance to get an icon? plz plz, I'm telling you I need that vault girl icon so terribly, it's my misandry combined with OCD...
Thank you a lot for this beautiful and perfect mod.


I'm willing to print the posters "We Can Do It" and "PlayerHouse_Calendar01_d" (of the default concept) on a t-shirt (potentially on a canvas too) but the resolutions on the .dds files are quite low, is there any chance to get a higher resolution of these two posters? (I got illustrator too, but I would be surprised if you'd agree to send your vector sources, although I give you a word I delete the vectors once I print them), Please excuse me for the many requests, but this mod is just a miracle.

Edited by WKIII
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This looks great! keep up the good work my dude!







is normal that the star counters on the top left of each perk is missing ?

The only star counters that are showing up of the ones of SPECIAL

not sure what you mean as i get all the stars in game still


I men the Stars that show in what level you are in a perk, like 3 stars in the perk chart if you have level 3 commando,.


is what I mean, the top row have stars but the rest don't have the yellow stars that count the skill level



This may be fixed with the next update.


Hi, bigCman123.

I wanted to say that your artwork is incredibly beautiful and it definitely inspires me (to print a t-shirt of it), especially because I always (solid 100% of the time) play as female characters, and more importantly what made me love this mod, even more, is that your concept is gracefully modest. I was so delighted when I found it at first last week when I returned to play Fallout after a break of one year.

Since then I also wanted to change the icon of the game shortcut that lays on my taskbar 24/7 to your recent vault girl portrait (so I can stare at it all day), Just like the one in your profile pic, but with a transparent background, only the face without the shoulders, any chance to get an icon? plz plz, I'm telling you I need that vault girl icon so terribly, it's my misandry combined with OCD...

Thank you a lot for this beautiful and perfect mod.



I'm willing to print the posters "We Can Do It" and "PlayerHouse_Calendar01_d" (of the default concept) on a t-shirt (potentially on a canvas too) but the resolutions on the .dds files are quite low, is there any chance to get a higher resolution of these two posters? (I got illustrator too, but I would be surprised if you'd agree to send your vector sources, although I give you a word I delete the vectors once I print them), Please excuse me for the many requests, but this mod is just a miracle.


I can make a Vault Girl icon for Fallout 4. I've thought about doing it, but haven't looked into how to do it.


The posters were just made on top of the in game textures so there are no high resolution originals. There is a high resolution image of the Vault Girl though. http://i.imgur.com/ZLLWUEB.jpg

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I couldn't find the original high-res WWII "We Can Do It" poster in the game files while using the BAE extractor.

Do you know where exactly it lays within the files? Because "SetDressing/UrbanPosters04_d.dds" got something different in the original game files.

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