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ASIS automatic spells /w improved INI


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I can't find an answer to this question,


1.) If I use automatic spells for apocalypse spells with the improved INI will it only add the appropriate spells to the appropriate NPC's? For example will pyromancers primarily only be given fire spells? Or will they be given all destruction spells depending on skill level? I don't want all casters to become generic by being given the same pool of spells essentially making them the same... example: making necromancers and conjurers into the same by giving them all the same spells.


2.) Do I need to use automatic spells and perks to get the impacts listed by the ASIS improved ini description?


(-adds perks and spells to enemies that make sense)



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1.) Yes. As far as I know, NPCs that have specific roles like that are excluded in ASIS improved INIs, so no spells are added to them. I have never seen a Pyromancer use any other type of spell even with those added by mods.


2.) Not sure I understand the question. The way it works is it adds relevant spells and perks if their skill level is high enough, basically if the player is able to learn it at that level, so can they. Most of the excluded NPCs in ASIS are the NPCs that don't need perks (story characters, dummies/perma-dead, or those that have been designed to have their own perks like dragons).

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1.) Thanks! How about named Dragon Priests ( mask holders) ; because I use the enhanced dragon priest mod that gives them unique abilities and I don't want ASIS to water them down by giving them all the same spells.


2.) I mean do I need to have the automatic spells and perks plugin enabled for them to get that; or will ASIS just give them those perks and spells regardless of whether or not I have those two plugins enabled. I just didn't understand if that was simply built into ASIS or a feature that was specific to the automatic perks and spells plugins.

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1.) I haven't checked. I think dragon priests are also excluded at least from spells. I can confirm later, but yeah. NPCs naturally pick the best spells in their arsenal though, so even if ASIS somehow gives them other spells, then it'll be better (Magnitude) than whatever they had.


2.) There are no plugins to enable in ASIS other than the dependency mod and the produced patch so I'm still not sure what you're asking. You probably mean in the patcher itself. ASIS will only patch the things you tell it to patch, so if you disable the perks and spells parts then ASIS won't do either of them. ASIS is a patcher and reads your currently active mods for all valid spells and perks, but only if you tell it to.

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Yes, that is what I mean during the skyproc patcher process, if you don't have automatic perks or spells enabled will the mod do anything with regards to adding additional vanilla and dlc spells and perks to npc's... or are those features dependant on whether automatic spells/perks is on during sky proc.

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Ok thanks, so I guess your recommendation is to run ASIS with both enabled in the patcher if running Apocalypse Spells to give npc's more diversity and challenge? My only concern as I had mentioned was watering down specialized casters and making them all pretty much the same based on their skill level... I recall that being an issue with an earlier version of ASIS, but by the sounds of it the mod and INI have evolved since then.

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Well yeah the point of the ini (even the default but more so the improved inis) is to prevent that sort of thing from happening. The improved inis have already covered most of the major known mods that add NPCs, and pretty much all the NPCs that are designed to use only certain types of spells have already been excluded. And again like I said earlier, all the other NPCs that should receive spells will choose the best spell in their arsenal (taking range and stuff into consideration). It's a bigger pain in the neck to try to make them equip any other spell in fact. Try teaching a bunch of spells to your NPC follower (if you use a mod like EFF for example) and watch them only use 1 or 2 of those spells ever, and it's always the highest level spell they can learn. Whatever they're using, you can trust is the best spell they know. ASIS won't change that.


Don't worry about it. It won't water them down. And if it does for whatever reason then figure out the EDID of the NPC that got watered down, and add it to the ini yourself then rebuild the patch. Many many people have been using ASIS for years now and it's evolved a lot especially with the improved INIs.

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