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So I'm in the bilge of some old wreak full of mirelurks. My partner Piper and I are sneaking around in the dark both in X-01 armor. When suddenly from around the corner of a sea can I spot another one. BLAM BLAM with the combat shotgun. "ouch" says Piper. Oops sorry my bad I swear to god she looked like a mirelurk crouched in that armor in the dark.

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I was walking around on some rooftop area of a damaged building (if I recall correctly I'd slaughtered a bunch of super mutants on the way) and there was a crate that could only be reached by walking along some narrow girders. halfway to the crate I hear Curie say something like "I've been hit!", thinking we were being attacked I draw my gun and look around for the enemy... only to see that she's fallen off, taken some fall damage and blamed it on an imaginary attacker!

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Found it pretty funny when Curie tried to speak Japanese to Takahashi (The noodle protectron in DC).


Yeah, there is some funny dialogue with Takahashi. Did you ever go to T-Bot with Danse?


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watching my roommate's latest playthrough- he gets to the part where he meets Piper, and unknown to us, some DC Guard are still fighting a pack of Supermutants nearby. She and the Mayor have thier little tiff, and she gets to the bit about "Lie and everyones happy, tell the truth and-" <sound of dialogue drowned out by massive BOOM! from the firefight> - cue both of us ROFL.

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I was fighting some ghouls...me and Hancock were killing em good...then Hancock gets it in his head to start tossing Molotovs. Well the first one hit the ghoul next to me and I lived. BUT THEN....he seriously throws like four more...back to back! TOSS TOSS TOSS TOSS....then my slowmotion death as the fire cooks me up....sad face...sadface Hancock!

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