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How do I make elves NOT look butt-ugly?


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Dunmer have always been one of my favourite TES races, but they look butt-ugly in Skyrim. I used to use EEO a few years back, but it is old, unsupported and conflicts with half my mod list now. I am not looking for super-model faces, just non-ugly ones (something that fits with the looks of the human races). I use STEP for all my graphics and I believe XCE is the only graphic mod in STEP that touches faces. What should I use to 'fix' elf faces?

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Out there somewhere is a mod with facial object space normal maps that remove the Neanderthal Brows from the elves, and the Hagbags from the Dark Elves in particular. I do not know where or what it is, but I know I downloaded it at some point and installed it. I presume that is what you are referring to.


Other than that, RaceMenu will give you a far greater degree of control over player character face sculpting.

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Ah, I found one with non-neanderthalic brows, and no hagbags on the dark elves: Ethereal Elven Overhaul. You might be able to simply extract the normal maps and use them independently... or you might be inclined to use the whole deal. Be advised that, though using an Object Space normal map system removes the model's tangent space as a potential cause for neck/wrist seams, the normal maps themselves can still cause them. I do not know which body model system that EEO is geared towards or if they can be switched around, I only gave the description a cursory glance.

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Yes, EEO was what I used to use years ago, but it is old and unsupported. Someone started making patches for it, but they have also dropped that project and I understand EEO still conflicts with a huge number of common mods (including the unofficial skyrim patch). I took a look, but had no idea what file(s) I need to take to get just the improved normal maps (and I am not sure whether or not that could cause problems with other mods by itself).


Is EEO really the only thing that 'fixes' elves? No one else has bothered picking up the torch, so to speak, and making a newer go at it?

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I ran into the same issues with EEO a long while ago and scoured the nexus for a similar and supported mod. I ended up using Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul and haven't looked back. WSCO doesn't make the same drastic changes but I find that it takes each race and manages to bring them in line with some semblance of reality. It attempts to create something realistic and true to ES lore, without erasing the art style and creating a dissonance between the characters and the rest of the game.


If you're willing to mess around in racemenu for a bit when creating your character, it's not difficult to soften the facial structure of a male or female dark elf. That coupled with the WSCO has allowed me to totally forget about the gripes I had with elven races.


There's a rugged and softened version for males and females of all races and the mod is still being supported to this day. There are also very few compatibility issues because it doesn't touch face morphs, skeletons and such. I'd give it a look if you haven't found an alternative yet.


Edit: I looked around on the nexus for a simpler mod and came up with Less Harsh Elves _ No Bags or Indentations by Javett. While I haven't used it myself, it looks like it might grant your wish for less ugly elves if you're not interested in an entire overhaul.

Edited by rc2the2nd
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Are EEO conflicts anything serious? I have both it & the DLC patch ready to go for a new game, I've never gotten far enough in the game to notice anything significant, but I won't bother with it if it's going to cause bothersome issues later on - much as I would hate to be without it ... :(

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It's incompatible with things like follower mods, faction overhauls, warzones like mods, patrols mods, city mods, some body mods, most character texture mods, and on and on. Depending on the mods you're using and what features you want from each, it may not be a problem if your load order is sorted properly.


You should take a look at the comments on the eeo and eeo patches mod pages to get an idea. But to make sure your game will be stable and desirable for an entire play through you're going to want to check things out in tes5edit and ideally mod organizer and/or wryebash so you can get an idea of what loose files are being overridden in what order. Just making bashed patches and merged patches may not be enough depending on your load order.


If you're familiar with this kind of thing you'll know where to start looking for incompatibilities. If not I recommend gophersvids, gamerpoets, and the STEP community. Before you start a modded play through that you intend to finish, its generally recommended to be intimately familiar with how your installation works to avoid having to troubleshoot blindly and potentially scrap a half finished play through.

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Yeah, the other overhaul mod recommended here I believe requires the DLCs, which I don't have.


The elves are the entire reason I am playing a Khajiit this time around. I ALWAYS play Altmer, from the very first time I stepped off the boat in MW. Then I took one look at them, and one look at the human races, and headed straight for Khajiit.

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