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Radiation Storms


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Meh there are a few things with the weather that annoy me.

A) Player built structures don't block the rain. Everything inside gets shiny and wet. Nor do you get to hear the sound of rain on the roof.

B) If I'm inside an enclosed room with doors Rad storms should be less effective or negated. One could make the argument depending on the radiation type given off by the storm it may get through. But honestly I just feel it's a reason to hunker down. I should get protection instead of being able to much march around in it with no downside.

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True Storms provides the sound of rain on roofs. Probably can't do anything about the rest until the G.E.C.K. comes out. As far as protection, I run around with a set of rad gear in my inventory for just such occasions...not only for rad storms but those times when I want to explore a particularly hot area.



The various items I've used:


1) Vault Suit + Assault Gas Mask - good protection

2) Child of Atom robes + Assault Gas Mask - better protection

3) Hazmat Suit - best protection


You can always run around in a stompy suit too....

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I either just pop a RadX if I'm sticking around. Or else fast travel to pretty much anywhere. Doing that reloads the weather subroutine, and rad storms are a lower prob weather event. [Hmm. Maybe try fast traveling to where you already are. Hmm.]

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Theres a cave under Red Rocket you can use once its cleared of mole rats.

Actually, going to any location that requires going through a portal (going from one graphic cell to another) or simply fast traveling away will get you out of the storm. Not an elegant "solution", but one that works.

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They're really that much of a problem?


I mean, I have mutfruit plantations, so I have well over 70k caps at this point and over 400 stims, 300 radaway, and a boatload of refreshing beverages and radx.


The first time a storm popped up, was when I was going to vault 95 to get something for a companion, and I was tempted to play the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Death Mountain" theme :P.

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