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Spolier Alert:Finished the main story arc choosing BOS and the Instute,on 2 characters.


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And in the 2224 notes, Dr Elliot is complaining that they can't get any further, because all DNA is contaminated. And he's going to propose a solution for that.



They left that last part to, well, our imagination. Dr. Elliot was complaining about the subjects' DNA being too contaminated, so they needed subjects that were less contaminated. We notice in the holding cells with dead Super Mutants that some have children toys scattered about the cell. So what if instead of adult wastelanders, they decided to use children who had a better chance of not being so contaminated? *Sigh* now I just want to blow that place up a second time.


As for everything else, as I said, perhaps there is confirmation in the official game guides sold in bookstores for Fallout 4. While it is not exactly Bethesda's word, it's as close to a statement as we will get. For every faction in the game, and enemy type, there is a small paragraph that gives them some flavor. But that is the best I can think of until I go to Barnes&Nobles in the future and pick through it.


Dear god you people are some sick and twisted lunatics!! It's just as highly plausible that they used the toys to determine how intelligent the super mutants were, rather than used to entertain children being treated as test subjects. In fact, I will argue that's even more plausible since such techniques are used in actual science for experimentation on monkeys. Furthermore, the cold and methodical Institute whose dedication towards science remains unquestioned, for them to just give toys to children being detained for experimentation is simply out of character if they did use children at all.

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Madison Li did not know and she was the head of an entire department. The only superior mentioned by Virgil is Father, who is the highest ranking individual in the Institute. It is doubtful anyone outside the Bioscience division knew what was going on, save perhaps the staff and resources of the SRB that may have been used to kidnap civilians.


What I mean is, there must have been evidence in the Institute of shifty s*** happening. But no-one investigated it, or cared to investigate it, or any concerns raised were not addressed. That's the issue here - nobody cared enough to find out.



Although, apparently Li was trying to investigate the FEV thing...



The official explanation for the in the FEV lab remains unsatisfactory. Facilities has nothing; they simply refer me to the Director. And he's keeping something from me. I've been around long enough to see it.

I wonder if he ever considers the ramifications of what he's asked me to do? If he worries that having me build a synth that's supposed to approximate him as a child might give me some unintended insights into his character? Probably not. And to be honest, it probably won't.
Edited by Athanasa
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There are two things that I believe need to be said if we're comparing the two. Two things in favour of the Institute.


1. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but when I was walking through the Commonwealth I came across an Institute patrol fighting off a bunch of raiders. I got the miscellaneous objective 'help defend the checkpoint' and helped the synths kill the raiders. There was a suit of power armor there, X-01. If you take that to a power armor station, it allows you to put a jetpack on the torso for that. So, even if you side with the Institute, you can probably still get a jetpack.


2. If you're the leader of the Institute, then - at least as far as canon goes - you decide what happens. If you want the Institute to stop replacing people with synths, you just need to order it. If you want them to do their research underground for the good of the people on the surface, for example by making better crops or prefab housing, you just need to order it. And if they resist, remind them that you basically brought them victory single-handedly and could take them all out just like that (by the time you're level 40 or above, no one in the Institute poses a threat, not even an army of Coursers).

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I just finished my 3rd playthrough this time with the railroad.. The underground undercover quest requires you to work with the institute to buy time. The things my PC did to maintain his cover were deplorable. I went to my home base ( Atom Cats Rule mod) and got into one of those decide what to do with the suspected synth in your town quests. Poor synth confided in me and I threw her under the bus just so I wouldn't blow my cover. Then I met Art and Art and I murdered a human so one of the institute synths could replace him. By this point I was ready to tell the railroad it was time to s#*! or get off the pot I had enough of the institute but I was forced to continue hunting down and killing synths. Then the railroad tells me to start hunting down and killing courcers and it wont blow my cover if I leave no survivors. What? I killed Art for nothing? Then both sides are reporting heavy losses and all I can do is laugh because I'm the one running around killing everyone. I am starting to think the only sane alternative is the Minutemen. The institute is the source of all evil. The BOS and Railroad are radicals with their own versions of cleansing the Commonwealth. The minutemen want to win over the Commonwealth one person at a time. I like the idea of taking over the institute but you only get that prize if you murder everyone who opposes them first. All of the factions except the Minutemen expect you to commit atrocities in the name of the greater good. All the Minutemen expect from you is to do everything for anyone always

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