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Finding "sweet spot" difficulty.


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I have played Skyrim for hunderds of hours but still can't find this sweet spot, it's hard really while your character is levelling, getting stronger, things change, but now I kinda hit the limit, I won't be becoming any stronger or get any more levels. All my equipment is in its final stage and I'm seeking this ultimate difficulty which will be perfect.



I don't play circle jerk with smithing/alchemy/enchantment making damage over9000 and I don't play sneaky character with backstab uber weapon for x30/60/120 damage. I wield dual hander, heavy armor and magic, my final stats are this:

LVL 116

HP 680

MP 920

ST 440

All skills 100

Defence 723 (so I'm way above cap, which means 80% reduction)

M. Defence is about 60-85% (+ Atronach perk).

Average weapon damage per hit is 180-200.

I have improved magic damage with destructionpowermod command too 100, so I get x2 now, which is fine for Master.


Problem (reviewing highest tier foes like Draugr Deathlord, Dragon Priest, Legendary Dragon):

Master - small damage to me, but my damage to foes is almost fine, a bit higher would be better.

Legenday - damage to me is fine, but I do only chip damage to foes, so battles take insanely long.


I want to increase my global dmg multiplier through console, but don't have a good idea how it works, I know that:

Master - dmg dealt x0,5 | taken x2

Legendary - dmg dealt x0,25 | taken x3


So, I basically need to have x0,75 dmg dealt global, x3 dmg taken is perfectly fine so I stick with Legendary. How do I do this?

And about magic, does destructionpowermod 200 or 300 works? If yes, which would be best, if not - how do I buff M. Damage higher?


Another important thing, I have Skyrim Immersive Creatures mod and it seems like handling difficulty of creatures on its own, I play on Expert (with all extra stats off) and I have same problem as with vanilla Legendary - chip damage to foes. Will those console command (like attackdamagemult) affect mod too or they are working separately for each difficulty like vanilla and mod?


I really don't like messing with console too much, and spent insane amounts of time in testing, some things like M. Dmg I can see in stats tab, but dmg to creatures across the board is hard to track, so any info and tips for this would be very appreciated.

Don't hesitate to tell how you generally feel about difficulties in this game.


P.S. I don't want any mods impoving or affecting combat, it's not that important to me, plus I'm pretty fine with vanilla (no matter how broken it is), just need some minor tweaking.

Edited by Signette
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Try Enhanced Enemies mod, no, it doesn't effect combat or enemy AI, it just effects enemy stats like health, attack damage, armor, etc it allows you to add stats bonuses to certain catagories of enemies by percentage, it might take a bit of experimenting but eventually you'll balance out the enemies so that they're just as strong as you.

Edited by Kolagon
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Try Enhanced Enemies mod, no, it doesn't effect combat or enemy AI, it just effects enemy stats like health, attack damage, armor, etc it allows you to add stats bonuses to certain catagories of enemies by percentage, it might take a bit of experimenting but eventually you'll balance out the enemies so that they're just as strong as you.

You see, I tried SkyTweak lately, and it's truly amazing little mod provoding insane amounts of options, but things that I need are very inferior to this, I actually know what I want and it can be easily achieved with 1-2 console lines, but I'm not sure of how it works, and asking here. My Skyrim now is more like a house of cards, adding new mod, even the smallest one will give me paranoia, so I'd rather not.

Thanks for response tho, appreciate it.

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the best solution is one you dont want....which are overhauls or combat mods.


just increasing damage taken is a really poor way of increasing difficulty IMO.


combat evolved


revenge of the enemies


deadly dragons


those 3 should increase the difficulty.

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Actually I'm not looking for real increase of difficulty, especially in combat, since it's impossible by any means. Long time ago I have check some mods overhauling combat (some included in list above), they are good at some extent, no doubt, but seriously, AI is plumb stupid anyway, there are still many ways to exploit it and murder without breaking a sweat, there's no way to make bots act and think like living creatures. I find difficulty in few immersive survivability mods I have. So the only thing I'm really looking for is rather difficulty balance, when I don't 1-2 hit kill everything and still can be killed if ganged up and etc. I think formula: x0,75 dmg dealt/x3 taken is gonna work, but I'm looking for better explanation how to do this, and how does it actually work.

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Once you get to a very high level in skyrim i think no matter what mods you use no ememies will be much of a challenge.


I dont understand why people complain about this tho. That is how RPGs have always worked and are supposed to work.


You start weak and by end game you are basically a god amoung men. If you dont like god status start a new game or something. RPG's have always been like this.


The only challenging enemies for high level characters should be bosses. And for super powerful characters even bosses are no match.

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I'm going to have to agree with ironbender here. Skyrim isn't really meant to be played above level fifty or so--or at least the developers really don't have framework in place to continue providing new challenges indefinitely. Starting around level forty, the last of the leveled quests, weapons, and enemies begin to taper off and you begin progressing into a level of your own. To be honest, I think that's a decent compromise. Since it's an open world rpg without a single rigid questline, it's impossible to tailor difficulty to quest progression. From a realism standpoint, how many times can you save the world, slay the dragon, defeat the dungeon, learn the power and become guildmaster while you still have to worry about bandits stealing your lunch? From a game dev standpoint, most gamers do want to feel that they're getting somewhere though all their persistent grinding, that they're finally starting to pull away from the pack and have "beaten" then game so to speak.

So Bethesda had to choose a place for the game to be "over." Roundabout level fifty isn't a bad place for an end, in my experience--that's about the level where you start maxing out skills and running out of major quests that are relevant to your character. When you get to that point, the idea is that you make a new character and play through with different quests, skills, and outlook. If you're going to insist on playing the same guy to lvl100 and beyond, then I'm sorry to say but you're not playing the game the way it was intended to be played, and the natural consquence is that the game begins to break. There's really no way to fix that without modding the game to be played differently, or um, just playing a different game. Honestly I would never recommend Elder Scrolls to somebody who considers difficult, engaging combat to be an essential part of their gaming experience, and I wouldn't recommend any single player game to somebody who wants combat to remain challenging no matter how long you play. Go find a player v player with a thriving competitive scene and you will never have difficulty finding opponents who can kick your butt.

Oh and uh. I know you said you don't like using console but you can maybe dick around with the player.modav command to change your character's health or skill levels. I use it every playthrough to adjust my character's skills for both story and balance reasons. It's perfectly safe, since it only changes your stats, and if you change your mind you can use the exact same command to set your stats back to their original state.

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