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To-Do List


Recommended Posts

No particular order. Done as and when I feel like it/I have the time.



  • Upgrade forums to IPB 2.2
  • Revamp tutorials/walkthroughs section of site
  • Update Spore Source with all the new functionality and security fixes implemented since the site's last update
  • Proper bug report/help desk system: supporters gaining higher priority for personal issues
  • Report a member feature with admin backend for quickview of member posts, file ratings, kudos points given, etc.
  • Update content available on main TESS site
  • Link to terms of posting on the comment pop-up so users know flaming/trolling file threads will get them banned
  • Ability to edit comments posted on files and images without having to go through the forums (pop-up window)
  • Create RSS feeds for news on the site
  • Create a central repository of news from all major ES news sources based on their RSS feeds

File Database

  • Allow authors to set a file to "hidden", only allowing access to the file page to themselves for testing purposes.
  • Allow authors to disallow comments and/or ratings from being enabled on the file entry...but ONLY when the file is initially uploaded (cannot turn comments/ratings off once the file is uploaded to stop authors having tissies about bad public reactions, etc.)
  • Allow authors to choose how they would like to be contacted, if at all, regarding their file(s)
  • Downloads open in a pop-up window similar to file comments pop-up window, instead of going to the blank dl page
  • Revamp of file ratings
  • Tagging system for files
  • Re-assess "file of the month" functionality
  • New section for user written reviews of mods. Admin approval required before being published on the site.
  • New file database field: file language(s). The languages the file supports/uses
  • Change log system for new file entries. Monitor exactly what the author has changed (i.e. description, new upload, file deleted, etc.) each time the user updates
  • Allow multiple users to edit a single file entry; set by the primary author of the file
  • Write script to check for "null" or 0kb entries in the file database
  • Report broken downloads system

Image Share

  • Top images listing
  • Update member profiles to show the number of images uploaded to the image share system
  • Allow authors to edit their image descriptions and captions


  • Change supporter tracking feature to email the user when an author uploads a new file to a new or existing entry
  • New Supporter feature: daily/weekly email containing the latest files uploaded to the site in user selected categories

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[*]Downloads open in a pop-up window similar to file comments pop-up window, instead of going to the blank dl page


That one is much appreciated. The n00b in my always makes me think I presses something wrong until I see Firefox bring up the Download options.

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Updated list:

  • Allow authors to disallow comments and/or ratings from being enabled on the file entry...but ONLY when the file is initially uploaded (cannot turn comments/ratings off once the file is uploaded to stop authors having tissies about bad public reactions, etc.)
  • Ability to edit comments posted on files and images without having to go through the forums (pop-up window)

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