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Spy on Your Neighbors for Homeland Security


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I smell a future business venture in this. Or you could tack on an IQ test in front of it then charge the police for filtering out things that probably aren't worth their attention. They pass the test, their alert is forwarded. They fail it, their alert is forwarded to File 13.
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I smell a future business venture in this. Or you could tack on an IQ test in front of it then charge the police for filtering out things that probably aren't worth their attention. They pass the test, their alert is forwarded. They fail it, their alert is forwarded to File 13.

I do not understand what you just said o,o


How could a IQ test help?

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Sorry, I just had to. It'll sell like wildfire, but only to every troller in North America. Check how many it sells, that will tell you how many Americans are trolls.

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It makes me wonder how they plan to actually use this. They can't investigate every report someone sends in when they see a guy slouching and carrying a suitcase. They can't ignore them all and call the system useful. They can't expect there to be enough users to be able to identify danger by lots of reports.
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Somebody, please, please, please tell me that the ad was only a joke. Please, I beg you....


Nope sorry I think its real and really its no surprise , theyv'e gotten rid of Posse Comitatus , also right to protection from illegal search and seizure and something else thats protected in the constitution (can't remember what it is) .Also during Katrina Bush sent Federal Troops and even privately contracted security personnel (mercs) were sent to remove residents from their homes and relieve them of their guns and now there is a plan to establish a civilian para military force answerable only to the President and Attorney General of the United States all for your protection of course.In other times in other countries they went by names like the Brown Shirts or Black Shirts or Communist Political Officers ,left , right doesn't really matter its all the same thing.


The App is just conditioning for mistrust and fear among neighbors .Divide , conquer and rule , its simple.

Edited by Harbringe
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Ok, I admit it was only wishful thinking on my part when I posted my last request. However, Harbringe I agree that it is no surprise based on the past several years of insidious obliterations of our personal freedoms.


But I am still somewhat at a loss as to who the "THEY" is who are responsible for all of this. I always felt that it was the other guys who were paranoid about the government taking over our lives and our minds and all that Big Brother stuff; but now our side is getting just as paranoid. And I'm not saying that it is without cause. I'm just trying to understand who is in charge here. Do we even have a government anymore, or is it all just a facade now for the corporate giants who "really" run everything.


Is there any hope of stopping all of this. Is anyone even paying attention to what is going on in their lives? How does this just keep on happening? Maybe I've been wrong all along in thinking that the human brain is capable of so much more. Maybe it has stagnated beyond hope of utilization of it's capabilities in all but a small minority of the human populace.


Sorry, guess I'm just having a bad day....



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Np Granny. We all have sometimes a bad day from time to time...


On subject:

Well in a time pre Handy's but already with telephones pre 1989 in east Germany a loyal communist could dial up a number to the local Stasi ( Staats Sicherheit translated to English : State Security)

Even earlier in the same country pre 1945 the same method was used by the SS to (Schutzstaffel der NSDAP in English: Protection Squadron) to hunt down communist, Sinti, Roma, Disabled Persons and Jews to bring them into Nazi concentration camps.

Now back to our time line does America have a officially government organisation that has a similar name ? .... Now in an ironic voice in the background someone hums the American national anthem:

"Well I know of one that has a similar name, that could uses your support to make you're Home country save from people

that aren't to your liking and it is up to you now to report them. report the local terrorist that don't want to join Fail

book and has an independent opinion. you could be the hero of your neighbourhood now!"

Now see In the wider context the coincidence and be prepared to act to your believes because this is how it will start....

You have been warned.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Np Granny. We all have sometimes a bad day from time to time...


On subject:

Well in a time pre Handy's but already with telephones pre 1989 in east Germany a loyal communist could dial up a number to the local Stasi ( Staats Sicherheit translated to English : State Security)

Even earlier in the same country pre 1945 the same method was used by the SS to (Schutzstaffel der NSDAP in English: Protection Squadron) to hunt down communist, Sinti, Roma, Disabled Persons and Jews to bring them into Nazi concentration camps.

Now back to our time line does America have a officially government organisation that has a similar name ? .... Now in an ironic voice in the background someone hums the American national anthem:

"Well I know of one that has a similar name, that could uses your support to make you're Home country save from people

that aren't to your liking and it is up to you now to report them. report the local terrorist that don't want to join Fail

book and has an independent opinion. you could be the hero of your neighbourhood now!"

Now see In the wider context the coincidence and be prepared to act to your believes because this is how it will start....

You have been warned.



Yep, Silver I get your point, LOUD and CLEAR....

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While I can very easily see the Doom and Gloom viewpoint on this and hear the fascist footsteps striking the ground in cadence, it might be as simple as a money-making venture as was earlier pointed out in the thread. When there simply aren't enough real bad guys, you have to drum them up somehow. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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