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German Nazi invasion


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Along the line of these 2 mods




And especially this one



I see the hard work putting into all the details, but there is no use for it. Along with all the unfair insults from certain Nazi-phobia people... it's just sad. I can straight out tell you I dislike what Hitler regime did. But I am not going to scream in agony and pass out at the mere sight of seeing these uniforms or the mention of Hitler, Nazi, or SS. I mean, if I go into a public place and scream "Hitler", am I to expect some people dropping on the ground? Ridiculous. How did you survive your history class?


Thus, for fun and giggle, and personal use (for now), I plan to use these content (with permission of authors) to make a mod that turns Raider (or maybe Gunner) into remnants of Nazi soldiers (without breaking your immersion too much). At the mean time, we need to put up with the name "Raiders" and their raider remarks. I plan to do mostly outfit replacement for maximum compatibility. What I really need to do with .esp is to change their default faces. Dirt I can put up, but all these Mohawk hairs are definitely not a sign of a respectable and organized military institution. Their uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss after all.


Their backstory should be: Nazi was not completely wiped out in 1945 even after the death of Hitler. They went somewhere safe (like the Moon, in Iron Sky movie). They waited and rebuilt. The Great War became their opportunity to return and take back power. But despite their fancy uniform, they were no match for even the remainders of the human race. A loose alliance of NCR, Legions, BoS, Enclave, etc... toppled their big invasion (sort of like in Iron Sky too). So what left of them are pocket of scattered resistance all over Boston without a central command, doing some small terrorism against the poor travelers.


Meanwhile, I just want to replace some uniform, as a source of inspiration and something I know I am already capable of doing. What I want feedback on is .... should the raiders be replaced with Nazi German? Or the Gunners? There is already a BoS overhaul version (also with texture replacer). Don't expect a complete line of new quest (not just yet). But I plan to replace all raider armors with more military like armors. So far, maybe just black leathers, Black Synth to replace ugly metal, and black combat armor (with Swatika) to replace the ghetto raider armors. I personally do not approve the raiders wearing junks. Scavenger look is 1 thing, but do they even work? Ducktaping household stuff together .... they may fall apart in a few hits even before the actual armor is penetrated.

Also, any support is welcome. Screenshots coming soon.

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Omg is this realy neccessary? Why dont you just play wolfenstein? It is so american requesting this stuff...

I played Wolfenstein. Maybe it is American .... but I am not requesting, I am making it happening myself. And since we are on the same page, why not? It's not like I am asking to get Skyrim's dragon and magical shouts into FO4. But since we play with alternate history, Nazi Germany can play its part. Did you watch "Man in the High castle"?


Along the line, if enough content out there, I am thinking about making something Middle East origin. Like what does the folks at Middle East factions (namely ISIS) to play a hand in the world's stage? And since everyone is so anti-ISIS now, it can be fun to shoot at them. I am not advocating Islamphobia, it is completely a different thing. But it is less immersive to see Middle Eastern powers in Boston. German, on the other hand .... I think the famous Nazi zeppelin did fly over US and had that famously tragic accident right in US in 1930s.

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Perhaps you would look on things differently if your family; mother, father, sisters and brothers; had been horribly tortured and killed by the Nazis. "I can straight out tell you I dislike what Hitler regime did" just don't cut it, kid. Grow up.



The Rabbit

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Maybe it would be more consistent with Fallout lore (such as it is) to have Red Chinese troops, yes? Or perhaps this isn't provocative enough, or doesn't have the sufficient number of smartly pleated trousers. In any case, I'm glad to see so many people have stayed awake through their history lessons. Forza humanity!

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Perhaps you would look on things differently if your family; mother, father, sisters and brothers; had been horribly tortured and killed by the Nazis. "I can straight out tell you I dislike what Hitler regime did" just don't cut it, kid. Grow up.



The Rabbit


I stated mildly so I did not want to get into a political debate over this. I am not advocating loving or joining Nazi here, but instead to shoot at them. You fall into the category of people who will faint at the mere mention of Nazi. How did you survive your history classes? Or you try to tell all WW2 professors and historians to SHUT UP and GROW UP? You know what, don't even reply. If you can't handle history content, don't fault it to me or others. I feel sorry for you getting offended so damn easily at any WW2 documentaries or movies.


Please bring your political debate somewhere else. Somewhere like boycotting and denouncing Saving Private Ryan, Valkyrie, Man in the High castle, and tons and tons of great documentary available out there.


Maybe it would be more consistent with Fallout lore (such as it is) to have Red Chinese troops, yes? Or perhaps this isn't provocative enough, or doesn't have the sufficient number of smartly pleated trousers. In any case, I'm glad to see so many people have stayed awake through their history lessons. Forza humanity!

There is not enough content for that. It would be too much for me to create all these content alone (and have them at high quality, instead of a quick do-over). Besides, WW2 is not a touchy subject. Hitler regime is of the past and everyone (including modern German) can simply hang their hat on framing everything that is evil to Hitler. It is more sensitive to bring in the Chinese (accusing them of this hypothetical Alaska invasion) and even the Imperial Japanese who were considered WW2 Axis power member. And more, SS Army uniforms look so good to pass up on.


But I really do not want to get into a political debate. And I am not going to defend myself because some idiots think creating content to shoot at Nazi means promoting Nazi. They really need to grow up and stop seeing the world through a well.

Edited by tomomi1922
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Dont take it personaly. I am just a little bit allergic because i am german i dislike getting accusations "being german" sometimes which is kinda annoying.

In this case it is difficult to understand why so many people like to bother so much about this nazistuff. But i am not as intollerant about it as i might sounded before.

Do it your way :P

But Iron Sky was quite a funny film and the idea of nazis behind a moon or nazis riding dinosaurs is always a good joke :laugh: If your mod would become very funny and fits well into the 1950s fallout flair, why not.

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Dont take it personaly. I am just a little bit allergic because i am german i dislike getting accusations "being german" sometimes which is kinda annoying.

In this case it is difficult to understand why so many people like to bother so much about this nazistuff. But i am not as intollerant about it as i might sounded before.

Do it your way :tongue:

But Iron Sky was quite a funny film and the idea of nazis behind a moon or nazis riding dinosaurs is always a good joke :laugh: If your mod would become very funny and fits well into the 1950s fallout flair, why not.


Sorry I may have sounded insensitive. I understand being German and being accused of stuff that the Hitler administration did. But at least Hitler regime was completely dissolved, and all the blames went with the dead regime along with some war criminals who are either have passed on or at very old age. Think about the Japanese. They are still the same regime. But more over, they have refused to acknowledge several war crimes that still cause insensitivity, conflicts, and bitterness to this day. Namely the Nanking massacre, the bio weapon testing project, the comfort women (great many women were forced onto sex slaves) that Japanese government still refuse to acknowledge (and pay reparations). The Right wingers even changed up history books and presented a much more glorious perspective of Japanese in WW2. Only very recently (like last week) Japanese government finally issued official apology to Korean women. Being half Japanese, I often get affiliated with such bad history as being the citizen of the same regime causing so much bloodshed and not acknowledging it. And it gets more annoying having to explain to people that the will of the few warmongers in WW2 did not fully represent the will of Japanese people. In fact, we suffered untold tragedies as well during WW2. Another problem is ... there is a name for Nazi German soldiers.


You are no way affiliated with the Nazi are you? However, when it comes to Japanese, there is no such well known identity is Nazi Japanese. It's just "the Japanese" committed this crime, that crime, killed a lot of people, etc... Thus, I used the name "Imperial Japanese" to refer to the official Imperial Japanese Army, 1867–1945. Afterward, it is just Japanese Self Defense Force and no more "Imperial Japan" as a country, but simply Japan or "The State of Japan". But all victims of the Imperial Japanese Army, from Singapore, The Philipines, China, Korea, US, all refer to them simply as "Japanese" as the one who did the inhumane deeds. It's unfair.


Ok enough about that, I am trying to keep the content away from the more nasty facts. But look, Fallout universe presented even a far worse alternative as the nuclear showdown basically wiped about 90% of world population. And the remainders of American populations went on into different factions to kill each other. All these BoS, Institute, Railroad, Raiders..... they were all good citizens of once a prosperous Boston city, or at least descendant of them.



Why Nazi stuff? Well, it got itself into popular culture now. Although nobody openly praises them, they still romanize them in movies and literature. They have awesome uniform. They have big players in their war industry back then (Porsche, BMW). If anything, they were very classy antagonists. And once again, we can comfortably demonize them however we want without easily offending current German since technically that regime was dead/defeated/wiped off the surface of the Earth. On the plus side, Nazi German are often portrayed much more accurately than Imperial Japanese in books and movies. Japanese was often portrayed with that ridiculous mustache, a sword, and always so grumpy and brainless who get offended so easily. Yes they could have been very egoistic and self imposed master race (like Nazi German). But they were more complex and sophisticated than simple wanton killers.


You can tell I am a history bluff. I helped out some students before with their master thesis on the topic and prove to be much more knowledgeable even I was not a history major.

Edited by tomomi1922
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Nazipast is NOT as easily dealt with as you want to make belive it to be, especially for Germans . All the blame has NOT being magically erased ( hard to believe I know, but I can tell you, being german and travelling WILL bring you comments towards the NAZI past pretty fast/quick almost everywhere.... ) . The fact that you seem to think Nazi stuff having made it into Popculture and being classy is perfectly acceptable does not make it better actually .NAZI Ideology is NOT dead, neither in Germany nor quite a lot other European countries, in fact the extreme rightwingers gain momentum massively for years already again .


But that aside - just had to add this since I prefectly well KNOW what I am talking about form personal experience, and just had to correct your notions... - the bigger Problem actually is: The Svastika NaziStyle, the Uniforms being identical to historical Nazi Uniforms and quite some other Stuff is/are actually forbidden in Germany - with many Items, even a depiction of them already is . To be precise, people can get into trouble for just having a picture of the Nazi Svastika on their PC ( which is kindof sad when it comes to that Symbol, since the Idiots basically desecrated a millenia old holy symbol XD .) .


Id advise you to consider that before you go ahead and create content including stuff like that and publish it .

Edited by Kastergir
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Nazipast is NOT as easily dealt with as you want to make belive it to be, especially for Germans . All the blame has NOT being magically erased ( hard to believe I know, but I can tell you, being german and travelling WILL bring you comments towards the NAZI past pretty fast/quick almost everywhere.... ) . The fact that you seem to think Nazi stuff having made it into Popculture and being classy is perfectly acceptable does not make it better actually .NAZI Ideology is NOT dead, neither in Germany nor quite a lot other European countries, in fact the extreme rightwingers gain momentum massively for years already again .


But that aside - just had to add this since I prefectly well KNOW what I am talking about form personal experience, and just had to correct your notions... - the bigger Problem actually is: The Svastika NaziStyle, the Uniforms being identical to historical Nazi Uniforms and quite some other Stuff is/are actually forbidden in Germany - with many Items, even a depiction of them already is . To be precise, people can get into trouble for just having a picture of the Nazi Svastika on their PC ( which is kindof sad when it comes to that Symbol, since the Idiots basically desecrated a millenia old holy symbol XD .) .


Id advise you to consider that before you go ahead and create content including stuff like that and publish it .


Svastika I am aware is of Buddhism and Hinduism. My family follows Buddhism even though I am really more of a non believer. Hitler borrowed it from Tibetan Buddhism I believe, after befriending the Dalai Lama. Thanks to bring to my attention about how modern German still share some affiliations with past history. It is worthy to note for my personal knowledge.


I understand that such Nazi related stuff are against the law in Germany, if I read you correctly. How do you guys deal with documentaries or movies? They need special permits to premiere? (Honest question). Movie like Inglorious Basterds and Valkyrie, are they banned in Germany? I heard people complained about historical accuracy, but I still love that movie a lot even solely for all the details. One of the (more symbolic than historical) movie I love is "The boy in Pajamas". That being said, what I try to do here is only to reuse existing content from other modders, and my content is more tamed and straight forward than Valkyrie (portraying a Nazi officer as good guy, WTH?) and in the same direction as Wolfenstein. I don't understand why people think this has never done before and will carry heavy consequences (that you urge me to reconsider) like this is the very first time I tell some truth about German that is totally unheard of before?


One of the more daring move on Bethesda is portraying Chinese as the bad guy in FO3, responsible for invading Alaska, and partly responsible for starting this Great War. But hey, this is fiction. From the get go this is presented as alternate history, and doesn't seem to be specially racist against Chinese, but just human nature. Chinese long history had a great number of tyrants, traitors, and all sort of bloodthirsty warlords, too. Just put the wrong guy in power and you will see. I don't see anyone boycotting Bethesda for portraying Chinese this way, why do people have problem with me just adding some content to the already heavily demonized past and long dead regime?


Of course if such content breaks the law in your region, then by no mean I encourage you to break the law and get in trouble. But bottom line is, I am not trying to glorify Nazi, instead, I am making them antagonists to be shot at by the player.

Edited by tomomi1922
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