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Fallout 4 Published Mods Distribution


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Hello everyone!


I just recently created an article covering the distribution of mods currently available on the Fallout 4 Nexus.





Please read the article and let me know what you think!

The results of the distribution are about what I would expect due to the current state of modding being pre-GECK.

Edited by phenderix
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Nicely written new flash type article.


Why the sudden use of "I" at the end of 3rd paragraph? And "Unfortunately, the tools currently available to modders are somewhat limited compared to the full array of capabilities that will be present in the official creation kit that will eventually be published by Bethesda." has two "that will".


Just thought you should know.

Edited by tomomi1922
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You already touched upon it: Once FO4 GECK comes out, it may change things up. I expect visual mods to still be a big factor as it always has in previous Bethesda RPGs of this same engine. But I also expect the big, indepth mods to start coming out with more time after the GECK is released. Those things often encompass several of those categories from the chart.

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First sentence

for just over 2 months and there has already been nearly 7,000 mods



should read "there have already been nearly..." no ?


Your 4th paragraph mentions more complex MODs "such as Quests" -> DDRProduction83's "Prelude to Vault 273" deserves special mention there imho, since its the first and only one of its kind so far, and an impressive display of what some maniacal-incredibly-skilled-weirdo-MA-who-is-a-God-amongst-mere-mortals ( or sthg. like that ) can ALREADY do with the tools avilable ( which after all is one of the premises of your Article, MODs that have already been created without the official CK XD .) .


Otherwise, not a bad read .

Edited by Kastergir
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Here is what I humbly suggest: try comparing FO3 or FO:NV categorized mod distribution with FO4 now. Then, about a month after the GECK arrives perform the same distribution comparison. Keep on comparing distribution each month thereafter. This is one way we will see how the different categories line-up between each game. My bet is Models and Textures category will be very similar.

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