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Unusually long load times addressed in Fallout 4 Beta Patch 1.3.47


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In response to post #33938200. #33952555, #33966340 are all replies on the same post.

zanity wrote: Thank iD and John Carmack (who has now left Beth) for the long load times. Carmack invented a NIGHTMARE called 'Megatexture' - which was wrong-headed in every way for the future of computer hardware. FO4 does NOT use Megatexture, but it does use Megatexture's texture streaming concepts- where lower quality versions of textures are constantly 'fighting' with higher quality ones- wasting bandwidth, CPU cycles and VRAM.

For instance, on my 1GB 6870, only by using an .ini hack to only load the BEST version of any texture did my game become acceptably smooth in most of the map. The default Carmack designed streaming meant I had the worst blurry textures AND lousy performance.

When Beth bought iD, iD's management was allowed to build TWO massive teams of developers- who so far have yet to release even one game (Rage doesn't count). However, I believe Fallout 4 was the FIRST inhouse iD game to be finished and released at Beth, which explains why it has so many issues. The second, of course, will be the terrible looking Doom 4.

I believe Beth's usual Scrolls/Fallout team has been working on Skyrim 2 since Skyrim launched. The total lack of innovation in Fallout 4 (save for the cloning of popular Fallout/NV/Skyrim mods) is a bit of a clue.

When a .ini trick is used to FORCE the best textures to load immediately, load times explode- the engine simply wasn't built with this expectation, and the streaming method used by the engine is industry worst. So you folks have a choice- blurry textures for ages before the proper ones load, and fast load times. Or slow load times, and the best graphics when the game begins again.
54yeggan wrote: Care to share your secrets? :) I suffer from crappy textures, too! =)
sydney666 wrote: I think it is this tweak;


The best textures will load immediately, and you won't have texture pop-in.

However expect load times to be 2-3 times longer,even on an SSD.

For me, I had to use enboost http://enbdev.com/download_mod_fallout4.htm to "trick" F4 to think I had more than 1gb vram on my 7770. It's not very user-friendly, and took a lot of tweaking to get it to work again on the beta patch, but without it I could not believe the textures were from this decade. I would have rather helped another settlement in trouble than play that way!
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In response to post #33938200. #33952555, #33966340, #34048770 are all replies on the same post.

zanity wrote: Thank iD and John Carmack (who has now left Beth) for the long load times. Carmack invented a NIGHTMARE called 'Megatexture' - which was wrong-headed in every way for the future of computer hardware. FO4 does NOT use Megatexture, but it does use Megatexture's texture streaming concepts- where lower quality versions of textures are constantly 'fighting' with higher quality ones- wasting bandwidth, CPU cycles and VRAM.

For instance, on my 1GB 6870, only by using an .ini hack to only load the BEST version of any texture did my game become acceptably smooth in most of the map. The default Carmack designed streaming meant I had the worst blurry textures AND lousy performance.

When Beth bought iD, iD's management was allowed to build TWO massive teams of developers- who so far have yet to release even one game (Rage doesn't count). However, I believe Fallout 4 was the FIRST inhouse iD game to be finished and released at Beth, which explains why it has so many issues. The second, of course, will be the terrible looking Doom 4.

I believe Beth's usual Scrolls/Fallout team has been working on Skyrim 2 since Skyrim launched. The total lack of innovation in Fallout 4 (save for the cloning of popular Fallout/NV/Skyrim mods) is a bit of a clue.

When a .ini trick is used to FORCE the best textures to load immediately, load times explode- the engine simply wasn't built with this expectation, and the streaming method used by the engine is industry worst. So you folks have a choice- blurry textures for ages before the proper ones load, and fast load times. Or slow load times, and the best graphics when the game begins again.
54yeggan wrote: Care to share your secrets? :) I suffer from crappy textures, too! =)
sydney666 wrote: I think it is this tweak;


The best textures will load immediately, and you won't have texture pop-in.

However expect load times to be 2-3 times longer,even on an SSD.
ThreeDMan wrote: For me, I had to use enboost http://enbdev.com/download_mod_fallout4.htm to "trick" F4 to think I had more than 1gb vram on my 7770. It's not very user-friendly, and took a lot of tweaking to get it to work again on the beta patch, but without it I could not believe the textures were from this decade. I would have rather helped another settlement in trouble than play that way!

"Skyrim 2"

Would be hilarious if they call it Skyrim 2 XD
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In response to post #33667195. #33937105 is also a reply to the same post.

collinmacleod wrote: Well they fixed the load times, but dammit Bethesda, if you put life detection on your power armor helmet, it is still running when you get out of the suit.

Everybody has a red aura. That was supposed to be fixed...
printerkop wrote: load times aren't fixed for me with a fast PC on SSD, all my other games load extremely fast and play smooth as butter, but not Fallout...as usual..

I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.
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In response to post #33667195. #33937105, #34064710 are all replies on the same post.

collinmacleod wrote: Well they fixed the load times, but dammit Bethesda, if you put life detection on your power armor helmet, it is still running when you get out of the suit.

Everybody has a red aura. That was supposed to be fixed...
printerkop wrote: load times aren't fixed for me with a fast PC on SSD, all my other games load extremely fast and play smooth as butter, but not Fallout...as usual..
kamilavalamp wrote: I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.

I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.
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In response to post #33545770. #33545865, #33564765, #33570280, #33583990, #33584755, #33615800, #33625900, #33990610 are all replies on the same post.

hector530 wrote: you know what helps load times? SSDs i dont know how people can game without them anymore.
printerkop wrote: 3 minutes load time on SSD here, so no, SSD doesn't help a bit.
DarthCruciare wrote: I second this, was a HDD user for years. Got new comp with SSD and I get maximum, 20 second load time, average is about 10-15 seconds. I don't know how I managed without it in the past.
ff7legend wrote: All my Bethesda games are spread out across 2 SSDs & loading times are 15 secs or less in most cases with my extremely high-end desktop PC. I have plans to replace my 2 TB HDD with a 2 TB SSD late next month, which will set me back $700.00. Well worth the investment for the massive performance boost when gaming alone. SSDs are a MUST in this modern gaming PC age. Games are only going to get bigger/become more memory/resource-hungry in the future & SSDs will help lessen the time it takes for games to load. Even on console, SSDs are a near must-have. I have an SSD in my PS3 with plans to add one to my PS4 as well. HDDs will become obsolete as SSDs get cheaper in the very near future. Might as well invest in an SSD sooner rather than later.
Einster wrote: ssd will win vs hdd if they fix the fast death time. they die to fast for the cost. a hhd runs vell after 10years in use a ssd dont will look like a ssd after 10years.
Bottletopman wrote: Yeah SSDs are good for gaming but not so much for long term storage. ~10-15 year life expectancy, and less for higher capacity drives. Something to do with the transistors in larger drives requiring more precision in terms of voltage measurement and being unable to hold voltage over time causing more errors. Meanwhile a decent quality HDD can be expected to run for 50 years to even a century if not abused.
SoloCreep wrote: I have 5 SSD's in my PC. 2 of them I have had for over 5 years. They are still running just as fast as when I first bought them. No signs of dying anytime soon. I've had plenty of Seagate and Western Digital HDDs die on me in 2 years or less.
Neanka wrote: have a 9sec load time with ssd. at 1.2 and both 1.3 patches

(3 years old ssd btw)
MythDinoex wrote: Buy me one then you f*#@er.

I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.
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In response to post #33545770. #33545865, #33564765, #33570280, #33583990, #33584755, #33615800, #33625900, #33990610, #34064725 are all replies on the same post.

hector530 wrote: you know what helps load times? SSDs i dont know how people can game without them anymore.
printerkop wrote: 3 minutes load time on SSD here, so no, SSD doesn't help a bit.
DarthCruciare wrote: I second this, was a HDD user for years. Got new comp with SSD and I get maximum, 20 second load time, average is about 10-15 seconds. I don't know how I managed without it in the past.
ff7legend wrote: All my Bethesda games are spread out across 2 SSDs & loading times are 15 secs or less in most cases with my extremely high-end desktop PC. I have plans to replace my 2 TB HDD with a 2 TB SSD late next month, which will set me back $700.00. Well worth the investment for the massive performance boost when gaming alone. SSDs are a MUST in this modern gaming PC age. Games are only going to get bigger/become more memory/resource-hungry in the future & SSDs will help lessen the time it takes for games to load. Even on console, SSDs are a near must-have. I have an SSD in my PS3 with plans to add one to my PS4 as well. HDDs will become obsolete as SSDs get cheaper in the very near future. Might as well invest in an SSD sooner rather than later.
Einster wrote: ssd will win vs hdd if they fix the fast death time. they die to fast for the cost. a hhd runs vell after 10years in use a ssd dont will look like a ssd after 10years.
Bottletopman wrote: Yeah SSDs are good for gaming but not so much for long term storage. ~10-15 year life expectancy, and less for higher capacity drives. Something to do with the transistors in larger drives requiring more precision in terms of voltage measurement and being unable to hold voltage over time causing more errors. Meanwhile a decent quality HDD can be expected to run for 50 years to even a century if not abused.
SoloCreep wrote: I have 5 SSD's in my PC. 2 of them I have had for over 5 years. They are still running just as fast as when I first bought them. No signs of dying anytime soon. I've had plenty of Seagate and Western Digital HDDs die on me in 2 years or less.
Neanka wrote: have a 9sec load time with ssd. at 1.2 and both 1.3 patches

(3 years old ssd btw)
MythDinoex wrote: Buy me one then you f*#@er.
kamilavalamp wrote: I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.

I use a HDD and my load-times are fine with or without the beta patch. The only problem I have is sometimes when I get to a modded painting on a wall it isn't as hi-res as it ought to be but everything else is fine.
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In response to post #33935515. #33966450, #34023785 are all replies on the same post.

hex77x wrote: i tried the beta patch for a bit, but i kept getting stuttering, like the old skyrim large-save bug - but mroe often, about every 20 seconds. so i uninstalled it, hope it doesnt carry over to live.

did anyone else experience this?
sydney666 wrote: Have you tried Windows mode - full screen? That helps with stuttering A LOT for me, actually it totally removed stuttering. Playing back on FULLSCREEN literally does my head in with the way it seems to skip frames here and there. Horrible.
hex77x wrote: borderless fullscreen is the only way i play anything. cant stand game windows not allowing screen roaming, or minimizing when i decide to tab to another window

spent about 15 mins testing out what went live before work, fortunately whatever issue it was, was worked out during beta. seemed to be smooth sailing.
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