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Please help with installing unofficial patch and Shivering Isles


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The other thing to consider is getting it straight as to which version of Shivering Isles you own. The reason for this is that the Shivering Isles is the only one of the 'expansions' that replaces the Oblivion executable. If your Shivering Isles came from the Direct2Drive or Impulse download services then it is an encrypted version (above and beyond the CD check used by a normal disk install). When you get to installing mods that require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) that will determine whether or not OBSE will work with your game version (OBSE will not work with either D2D or Impulse versions). If you are mixing download service SI with a disk version of Oblivion you will need to carefully research what official patches you can use and what order to use for doing the patching and installing SI (carefully read the patch requirements for version compatibility).


Well, right now I don't have any copy of Shivering Isles. I'm trying to find out if I can re-download it somehow without having to pay for it a second time.


The .omod file is set up for installation with Oblivion mod manager. You will need to download, and install that in order to use the omod format file type. (available here on the nexus.)


The .7z file is a compressed file, and you need the correct tool to open it up. 7zip is what was used for that one.... a google search will turn up the installer for it.


1. Thanks, I don't know if I'm going to get into modding or not. I was thinking about it. So, I guess I should use this version?

2. Thanks also for the heads up on the 7zip.


Well, I downloaded and installed the mod manager and 7zip. Mod manager has me as a limited user. How do I fix this?

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I'm on Win XP but the same trick should work for Vista or Win 7 as long as your game isn't installed in C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... and you want to use a limited account for day to day use.


From an administrative account turn your day to day use limited account into an administrative one. Install OBMM from the upgraded account and then on the shortcut you use for starting OBMM right click, select properties and then hit the 'Advanced' button. Tick 'Run with different credentials'. Log back onto your normal administrative account and change your day to day account back to limited. Now when you start OBMM from your regular limited account it will prompt you for a user name and password (you do use passwords on your admin account ... right?). Put in your normal administrator account info and you'll be golden. There is also the normally hidden 'administrator' account (you'll see it by default when prompted for a user name and password). That's the account that was used when first setting the machine up and installing Windows (I build my own machines, so my hands get dirty messing with stuff like this). You can start OBMM using that administrative account as well, however I'm not sure what that account's status around password would be on a store bought machine (probably something that gets set up on first boot).


When you use the upgraded regular account method all your registry entries etc. get set up properly, and using the prompt for account info on those few programs that insist on running from an administrative account you can still use your normal limited account for day to day stuff.

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I'm on Win XP but the same trick should work for Vista or Win 7 as long as your game isn't installed in C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... and you want to use a limited account for day to day use.


From an administrative account turn your day to day use limited account into an administrative one. Install OBMM from the upgraded account and then on the shortcut you use for starting OBMM right click, select properties and then hit the 'Advanced' button. Tick 'Run with different credentials'. Log back onto your normal administrative account and change your day to day account back to limited. Now when you start OBMM from your regular limited account it will prompt you for a user name and password (you do use passwords on your admin account ... right?). Put in your normal administrator account info and you'll be golden. There is also the normally hidden 'administrator' account (you'll see it by default when prompted for a user name and password). That's the account that was used when first setting the machine up and installing Windows (I build my own machines, so my hands get dirty messing with stuff like this). You can start OBMM using that administrative account as well, however I'm not sure what that account's status around password would be on a store bought machine (probably something that gets set up on first boot).


When you use the upgraded regular account method all your registry entries etc. get set up properly, and using the prompt for account info on those few programs that insist on running from an administrative account you can still use your normal limited account for day to day stuff.


The problem is I only have one account on my computer and I just checked it says administrator under the user name when I look at it from the control panel. I've run into similar problems before I don't know what is causing it or how to fix it.

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