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[WIP] Mator Smash - The Conflict Resolution Revolution


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Hey Mator. Thanks for the work...

This is my first attempt at smashing my game. I removed FNIS and DSR before smashing. I have a bashed patch, which I didn't place in the smash patch. (Perhaps I should?) Anyway, I have 5,403 records and the patch stops at 5,354 on the records:

[5354] Copying record EnhancedLightsandFXForms [FLST:2216733B]
Smashing override from: ELFX - NoBreezehome.esp, master: EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
and then just hangs. Never finishing the patch. I have to kill the program to get out. Can you suggest any troubleshooting?

Try cleaning the plugin in xEdit. There might be an error in that record which is causing smash to hang.

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Hello Mator, I would like to configure MatorSmash so it behaves as follows.


1. Compare plugins subrecords to master file.

a. If a subrecord is equal to the subrecord in the master file, copy the master file subrecord into patch.

b. Else If subrecords differ from master file.

I. If only one plugin has a differing subrecord

*. Copy the plugin's subrecord into patch.

II. If more than one plugin have differing subrecords

*. Copy the last loaded plugin's subrecord into the patch.


By record I don't mean whole records but each individual category of each sub-record, like "Skill Values" from DNAM and PRKR from perks.

I attach two images to try to illustrate my point.


Thank you very much for this great tool.





You should be able to do this by creating a Mator Smash setting which sets each record as "Treat as Single Entity". I'd start by making an automatic setting per the video tutorial in the OP, prune records from the right-click menu, then select all records, right-click, toggle -> treat as single entity.

Hi Mator, thanks for replying.

I updated my post, replacing my use of the word record for sub-record, which is why I originally meant. My problem is Mator Smash treating certain NPC sub-records, namely the NPC skills, as "Single Entities", when I want it to do the opposite and explicitly configured it that way. The pictures I attached in my original posts exemplify the problem and the settings I used.


Your program is so important that I halted my Skyrim playthrough a few months back because of this issue, but now I'm ready to try again. Provided that I can get it to merge NPCs skills properly. I could not fathom playing Skyrim again without this tool. This should be above Loot, in every player's "Skyrim Essentials" list.


Thank you.

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Hi Mator, thanks for replying.

I updated my post, replacing my use of the word record for sub-record, which is why I originally meant. My problem is Mator Smash treating certain NPC sub-records, namely the NPC skills, as "Single Entities", when I want it to do the opposite and explicitly configured it that way. The pictures I attached in my original posts exemplify the problem and the settings I used.


Your program is so important that I halted my Skyrim playthrough a few months back because of this issue, but now I'm ready to try again. Provided that I can get it to merge NPCs skills properly. I could not fathom playing Skyrim again without this tool. This should be above Loot, in every player's "Skyrim Essentials" list.


Thank you.


Can you provide me with more information, screenshots or logs? I'll look into it and if I can recreate the issue I can address it.


By default, in Smash.All, the skills subrecord is set to treat as single entity. So you should be able to just untoggle treat as single entity and save the setting and have things work.

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Hi Mator, thanks for replying.
I updated my post, replacing my use of the word record for sub-record, which is why I originally meant. My problem is Mator Smash treating certain NPC sub-records, namely the NPC skills, as "Single Entities", when I want it to do the opposite and explicitly configured it that way. The pictures I attached in my original posts exemplify the problem and the settings I used.

Your program is so important that I halted my Skyrim playthrough a few months back because of this issue, but now I'm ready to try again. Provided that I can get it to merge NPCs skills properly. I could not fathom playing Skyrim again without this tool. This should be above Loot, in every player's "Skyrim Essentials" list.

Thank you.

Can you provide me with more information, screenshots or logs? I'll look into it and if I can recreate the issue I can address it.

By default, in Smash.All, the skills subrecord is set to treat as single entity. So you should be able to just untoggle treat as single entity and save the setting and have things work.


I would love to send you the debug logs but they're gone with my previous Skyrim install.
I can provide two old screenshots of the problem though. These are TesEdit images of a mator patch called NewPatch.esp.


My Windows theme makes it difficult to read the mod name column, but the first column is for the master Skyrim.esm, the second is the unofficial patch, the third is from Follower Mod which has identical to master records, and the last is the Mator Smash patch.


As you can see the patch copies the skill values from Follower Mod even though they are identical to master, ignoring the changes the unofficial patch makes.

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And these are the Mator Smash settings I used for the DNAM subrecord, showing it is not set to be treated as single entity.


I hope these are enough. If not, I'll be able to send debug logs after I've installed the game again.


Thank you so much for taking the time to look into this :)

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good evening mator, quick question:


rebuilt a smashed patch and discovered the "merge redundant plugins" option and gave it a go


the function is intended to mimic wrye bash's esp merging in bashed patches, right?


welp, according to xedit the smashed patch did not contain any records from the supposedly integrated plugins.


am i missing something?


EDIT: nvm it worked in a second profile - after a reload maybe?

Edited by kamikatze13
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Can this thing merge formlists? Cos that would be useful.


Edit: So, I made a patch, but instead of an esp, it's a SAVE file. What do I do with these now?


Edit2: Oh, god, it turns out this thing doesn't automatically loads masters, hence the esp was empty. Kinda counter-intuitive, gotta say.

Edited by piotrmil
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I tried to try out Smash on FO4 and perhaps that was excessively premature, seeing as how it's explicitly not supported and all...


The particularly odd thing - which is what I thought I'd report - was that although Loot and NMM both showed my LO to be reasonably close to being as it should be, Smash had UFOP and several mod files higher than a couple of the the official DLC files. Smash didn't like that and as I couldn't find any obvious way to change it, that was pretty much "raid over".

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