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Quick CPU question


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Hello everyone, I appreciate you reading my thread.


Recently I decided to upgrade my computer because new vegas was a bit laggy. My old specs were:


GeForce 8800 GT


Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.86 GHz


That processor was the default and it's kinda lame, so I decided to upgrade to this here-> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116370

I also purchased a GTS 250 which works well so far.


I installed my new graphics card first, it booted up fine and it I downloaded the newest drivers and all that. Then I put in my new cpu and heatsink, but as soon as I booted up my monitor wasn't getting any signal. I use DVI. So I rebooted and double checked everything a bunch of times, but it didn't appear to work still. The computer starts up and I hear everything running inside, but the computer won't detect it. I already flashed my BIOS, which is currently at 786D7 v02.07 so I'm not exactly sure what's going on. It's probably a small mistake that I'll smack myself off the head for, but any help would be appreciated guys. For now I'm using my old processor because it boots up fine with it installed.

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You may have exceeded the capacity of your power supply.


Or your motherboard can't handle the new CPU. What happens if you power up with new CPU + old video card?

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It was incompatible, so I shipped it back. Thank you for replying though.


Did you check the monitor's built-in settings to see if it was set to auto-detect or only pick up VGA, DVI or HDMI? I see you already posted that "something" was incompatible but not what. I've seen even cables go bad in helpdesk line of work (indie, not for any specific brand of PC).

Edited by PharCry
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