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Beth wants modding on consoles


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I think that would be awesome...it would increase the community size many times over. It would first increase the number of people playing mods, then it will increase the number of actual modders because some of them might never have played a mod before (being exclusive console gamers, and I know several myself) and they might like to make some mods of their own.


I think it would really change the community big time, and in a good way.

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This can only be good. They'll get a taste of modding but the PC will keep it's advantage because there will still be plenty of mods that won't run on consoles purely because of hardware (mainly RAM) limitations or script extender requirements. Maybe it will get a few to take up PC gaming.
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lol too bad Microsoft wont let them. back in the early days of the 360. EPIC games was gonna make its map packs for gears of war free, Microsoft told they had to put a price of 5 dollars or more for them to put them on the xbox live servers. this is why ALL dlc on the 360 has a price Microsoft wont put free dlc on the live servers, they have to charge something for it.



EDIT: also i find it might be much harder for console user to make advanced mods. wont they just be able to use in-game assets? they cant port anything in the harddrive or MS calls it "hacking". but if the mods be imported from PC mods then im sure modders wont complain. they'd get like 5-10 times as much downloads.

Edited by hector530
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I agree that this would be a good thing if it did happen, many people can't or won't buy a decent enough PC to run Skyrim smoothly, and so have to resort to using a console.But in doing so, they sacrifice the TREMENDOUS amount of content they could get with mod databases.I still seriously doubt this would happen, it just doesn't seem likely that Microsoft would let people download loads of content for free, being the moneyhogs that they are.With Sony there might be a chance that they'd allow it, because they're a little less greedy than Microsoft, but I don't see it happening on the 360.But if it did happen it would not only be good for the TES community, because it would attract more modders and whatnot, but it would also probably increase sells on the console, which would be good for Bethesda.
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lol too bad Microsoft wont let then. back in the early days of the 360. EPIC games was gonna make its map packs for gears of war free, Microsoft told they had to put a price of 5 dollars or more for them to put them on the xbox live servers. this is why ALL dlc on the 360 has a price Microsoft wont put free dlc on the live servers, they have to charge something for it.


You may well be right, lets hope Sonys recent security issues don't put them off.

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Modding consoles only becomes a problem when players take this knowledge, and mod multiplayer, crack their achievements and rip off the marketplace, by selling unauthorised DLC.


But microsoft is too narrow to realize that, just because modders are making mods, doesn't mean people won't buy DLC from Bethesda, and of course it will increase people buying the game.


I want this bad, as i am stuck on a console. I was reduced to downloaded modded saves for oblivion (yes its possible) and they were very limited mods. Most were just Uber characters which or ones that started in the testing hall.

Edited by Sketchy77
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I'm still a stubborn bastard when it comes to gaming (PC IS #1! *waves giant foam finger*) but it is nice to see the gap bridged a bit as long as it doesn't affect the modding community in a negative way.
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