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Journal trying to become topic


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I keep getting a Journal become topic error on my mod everytime I go to play it, but all my journals names and refrences are correct, it dosn't effect the game in any way and everything works fine, but that error looks bad and I want to snuff it.
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Two things could be causing this, AFAIK:


- your journal name is similar to a dialogue topic - a good idea is to prefix all journals with two letters, eg TG_ for a Thieves Guild related journal etc.



- in your list of dialogue topics or journals there is an empty/deleted one at the top. In that case, usually, the error vanishes after you have loaded the plugin into the editor again. Try ignoring it, and see if it goes away


Hope this helps

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:( Nope everyone of my Journals starts with XVA_ as a prefix. And the error occurs everytime. I have dealt with the one time errors before, this is somthing else. :help:
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:huh: Well it's fixed, now. Funny all I did was add another journal entrie and the problem stopped. If anyone else gets a problem like this, perhaps this will help them. Well I guess this can be locked now.
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