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Power armor mounted weapons


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So just wanted to bump this thread because this would be the most badass mods of all time. If i had any skill in modding whatsoever this would be the one i would absolutely be working on. The War Machine power armor mod might be a good place to start if he would allow people to use his assests.

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  • 3 months later...

Maybe, put a turret on the shoulder, without the basement, and only control the switch to activate on desactavate the gun.

Also, maybe add another mod slot on the PA, witch provide a sort of rangement like you put something in it, and you craft the turret at the chemlab and put them in it.

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  • 1 year later...

there is a wrist mounted flamethrower for a cool iron man mark 1 vibe look but it does s*** damage https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25798/?tab=posts. if that could upgraded or change to like a machine gun or a rocket launcher. or even duel wielded?


Upping the damage is easy, but the thing is that the hand flamer is just another "gun", meaning if you equip it you can't hold another weapon and switch between them quickly. You have to "holster" the hand flamer, then pull out a different gun, so you still have that same weapon switch delay. So no real benefit to having it as an arm-mounted weapon on power armor.

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