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Normal clothes --> armor?


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I wondered, is there an easy way for me to turn certain clothing outfits into armor without having to download stuff? Because I downloaded some FF-clothes, but since they are used to fight in in FF, I'd like to let my char fight in those oufits as well, not in the ugly TES-armors. I'm not planning to turn every piece of cothing into overpowered armor, I just want a few outfits to be a little more protective, like they are in the game where they are originally from.

I hope someone can help me. If it's possible, please tell me the easiest way, because I'm not very good with all the scripting and codes and stuff, and I don't want to mess up my Obliv for good.

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I was trying to go the other direction (armor --> clothes) and ran into a brick wall. I think you need to use NifScope to change that property.


Edit: If you enchant clothes with elemental defense (sigil stones provide the highest amount) you get both elemental defense and normal defense, plus you don't lose spell effectiveness.

Edited by Striker879
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if you simply want to give clothes armor protection you could enchant them. using shield or elemental shield spell effects, if that's what you were getting at.

or you can use the cs to give clothing the enchantment effects you want. other than that i can't really think of anything.

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Thanx all :3

I think I'm gonna try enchanting ^^

This construction set, btw, do you need to download it, or does it come with the game a syou install it? (prolly a very silly question, but I don't know much about modding and stuff xD)

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First off though, your going to need knowledge on the Construction Set which I'm afraid is a long process, here's a link to a tutorial, a very good one infact:


It can be found Here.


But if your just going to be enchanting send me message and I'll tell you how to do it step by step. :thumbsup:

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The enchanting can be done in-game, either at an enchanting altar (at the Arcane University or added by a mod), but it's best done with sigil stones (available at a 'price' from your nearest Oblivion gate). Unless you are a low level character who has a very high level in alteration (for the shield enchantment), the sigil stones provide a higher enchantment at any given level. Here's a link about enchanting.
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i made a little mod that makes sigil stones a bit more powerful, when you get up towards ascendant or transcendent stones they will basically turn you into a god. i haven't balanced it out at all, and i don't plan to, but you might find it useful, if not overpowered.


click here if you'd like to try it out

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