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Can't start Arena fights


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I am Hero rank in the Arena, and I want to do some more of the fights, but everytime I go to Owyn and try to start the fight, he says I'm not wearing my Battle Rainment. I lost my first set, so I got a new one out of the cupboards in the room he's in. Could that have anything to do with it?

I'm running quite a few mod, amongst them Unecessary Violence, Supreme Magika and LAME, which are unlikely to have an effect, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

I've tried using the resurrect code on Owyn quite a few time, just so everyone knows.

Any help would be appreciated.

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From the UESP Wiki walkthrough:

Once you challenge Agronak for the title of Grand Champion, Ysabel will tell you that you need an Arena name; something that, as she puts it, "the people of Cyrodiil will remember when they tell stories about your inglorious defeat!" She gives you twelve options; two specific to your character's gender and ten general names.

Have you talked to her?

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No, I haven't got that far. It's I think the second fight for Hero ranking.

I have an Idea, does anyone know how to reset the whole arena quest, I don't mind doing the whole thing from the beginning, and maybe the battle rainment i need is the one Owyn gives me.

anyone know how to do that?

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No, I haven't got that far. It's I think the second fight for Hero ranking.

I have an Idea, does anyone know how to reset the whole arena quest, I don't mind doing the whole thing from the beginning, and maybe the battle rainment i need is the one Owyn gives me.

anyone know how to do that?


That is not the case. You can use any of the battle raiments inside the arena cupboard. Remove ALL items of clothing, jewellery, capes, hoods, shields, dual wield swords... everything. Once you have done that, put on a new battle raiment and make sure that the time is between 9am and 9pm.

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