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Power Armor TITANFALL Delivery Style


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while playing fallout 4 i was going to go get my power armor. and then i remembered that mod witch teleports your power aromr infront of you. and i got an idea, what if you could use an item to make your power armor fall from the sky with a smoke trail following it and land infront of you on one knee and stand up (having the sounds from titanfall would be amazing but probably too much to ask right now). i know the standing up animation might not be that possible for most modders before the modding kit comes out. but mabye something to remember atleast? in the state of modding i would be amazed just by the smoke trail and the mod actually existing. but sadly i dont have the skills to mod. i know titanfall wasnt a extremly popular game, but i hope theres a modder out there who would love too see this in fallout 4 just as much as me.

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  • 3 months later...

I had a similar Idea. I dunno how it would work, but usually the game marks the last power armor that you used on the map. I think modders could use this by making this the power armor that drops down. Maybe even have a vertibird drop it down? In any case, it would make the combat much more dynamic if someone were to release a mod like this. No more walking back and forth just to get the power armor for a combat situation.

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| I'd suggest keeping an eye on Kentington's Power Armor Autopilot and Delivery mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8262/?


While it currently doesn't drop PA from the sky, it does teleport the selected armor to your current location. Kentington also has plans to (if possible) have the PA get dropped from the sky via Vertibirds now that the GECK is out. The mod also allows the PA to act as a companion, similar to how Titanfall's mechs move on their own once exited. Hope that helps.


In the future I wouldn't mind if someone could create a delivery system that utilizes the Artillery or Yangtze Nuke animations. I'd personally find that to be more immersive than using the Institute teleportation system. (Though if you side with the Institute I could see it being an option.) |

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  • 5 months later...

Probably a dead thread but here's some inspiration if you have the know how to use the New Vegas GECK http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55673/? That already did a Titanfall themed mod. Study the mod in the GECK/FNVEdit and attempt to reproduce it in Fallout 4 except using the Power Armor and that should get you where you want to go.

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