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Obama releases long form BC


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2. The Nazis do not match the modern definition for socialism. The Nazi Regime was a right wing government with a very strict class system.


How in any way do the Nazis compare to the modern American right wing? I don't remember all the lower taxes and less regulation speeches. I can make a rather long list the other way.

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2. The Nazis do not match the modern definition for socialism. The Nazi Regime was a right wing government with a very strict class system.


How in any way do the Nazis compare to the modern American right wing? I don't remember all the lower taxes and less regulation speeches. I can make a rather long list the other way.

Didn't say that they matched the American right wing, big difference between calling them right wing and calling them the American right wing.


Stalin was left wing, but the left wing in America certainly don't do things he did.

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Well, there is a standing custom for new Presidents to present their long form birth certificates. I don't see why people think Obama would be an exception.


I haven't been able to find any evidence that any President has had to prove his citizenship in any form when President ,let alone providing his long form birth certificate .The only thing I have been able to find is that when an individual announces his intention to run for President there are documents as part of the process dealing with his citizenship (So I assume its check then).The only other reference I can find is this Arizona lawmaker who wants to make it a law that Presidents would have to prove citizenship with a long form birth certificate.


So as far as I can tell Obama is the exception .Exceptional in that he as a black President was harangued until he did .


Though if you can find evidence of Bush , Clinton ,Reagan , Carter doing this please present it , because I can't.





@ Harbringe and evilneko


Whatever you two think is fine. Obama presented the long form just like every President has before him. It's a DONE DEAL. That Harbringe couldn't find 'proof' is not surprising, considering his posting history and how wrong he usually is. But nice of him to trundle out the race card. Typical too.


And if Obama is THE FIRST PRESIDENT to have ever been FORCED to show a birth certificate simply because he's African American, don't you liberals think THAT WOULD BE ALL OVER THE NEWS?


geez, get a dose of reality :wallbash:




The situation with McCain is not the same because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone and that is not a state within the Union ,Hawaii is .What the Senate was doing with that vote was affirming that though not a State within the Union it was considered sovereign territory of the US ,making McCain a US citizen .It was simply an oversight in US electoral law that they were providing redress to .On a personal note was glad that they did so , as I wouldn't want a little technical oversight in the law preventing someone from running.




Well I just asked if you have evidence of this being done please present ,because I can find none .Also I do find it odd ,that if according to you its a tradition that has always been done ,that those lawmakers in Arizona would be going to such lengths to pass a law forcing them to do something that according to you they have been doing anyway.That seems like a very silly thing for those Arizona lawmakers to do.


Obama being black is not playing the race card , him being the first black President is exceptional and him being the first President to have to go broadcast to the Nation that he is an American citizen by showing his long form birth certificate is very exceptional. It was you who brought in the idea of Obama thinking he was the exception to this tradition you claim all Presidents have done.


As for my supposed oh so many wrong posts or do I need to get a dose of reality ,well that's just an attack on the person instead of answering the question ,which is the same as throwing air balls.

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I just absolutely love this Republican idea of a "scoialist nazi" which is an oximoron and a paradox at once.

You yanks always react with terror when anyone says "socialist" but frankly I think that comes from A the cold war and B never having met a live one. If you want to know what a socialist is, by the American definition, I am one. BLAAAARG!

Many of us do know what socialism is and we are already living under it in many ways in the US.

But I was talking to an American gamer a few months ago, about this, and when I mentioned the concept of free healthcare via the government, he was literaly horrified, and replied "I dont want the **** government telling me what to eat or when to go to the doctor" Look guys, Socialism keeps the general population healthy and safe, keeps the policeforce well equiped. They're not nazis, they have nmo constitutional right to order you around, but the increased regulation, I can tell you now, is very much a good thing. If the government doesnt govern, why have one?

They are Nazis (National Socialists) the name my change and a few details but they are enslaving us through "kindness" this time around. Things like ignoring bankruptcy laws like in the case of GM speak to a government with too much power. Stop telling me what to do and stop using force to take the product of my labor. Just because you think money should be going to a million sources doesn't mean you have the right to hire people to steal the money to fund your Utopian vision.

I agree with the rest of your post besides these parts.

1. I wouldn't say the USA is socialist. We have a few social programs but nowhere near socialism.


2. The Nazis do not match the modern definition for socialism. The Nazi Regime was a right wing government with a very strict class system.


Oh they had social programs too ... they build the Autobahns in Germany with unemployed workers..

and i PMSL here on the other side of the Atlantic because you haven't realised the big lies of democratic system you don't want to face ... well democracy is a deception because every great man in political past has had a vision of the future ... now reading such words here from you Americans picking the Nazi-socialistic jokes that are outdated because the Wolds greatest joke is a country that needs to change something and sticks old methods of thinking like it was glued to some used toilet paper...

and another democracy Lie you think the citizens own your country ... wrong again lol..

Since the globalisation and the realisation came that Big businesses is made by big global industries ... America has been sold out unless you find a proper solution... and exactly there comes the crux you don't want any ... and there the downfall comes so i keep watching and laughing because you had long enough laughed about old Nazi jokes in the next years it will come clear that there will be some American jokes that are alike these .. Irony on it's sharpest edge here in this topic ...

and Btw .. the Nazis where a extreme right wing party and still are ... the more right wing you are then the more you get like we have been... yep oh wrong topic should have posted it in WW3 topic...

Dudes I would rather search fast for solutions than picking on men with at least one vision for the future of your country and blocking any good usable solution because that is damaging your country more than any thing else now

United you where ... divided you fall

Edited by SilverDNA
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I just absolutely love this Republican idea of a "scoialist nazi" which is an oximoron and a paradox at once.

You yanks always react with terror when anyone says "socialist" but frankly I think that comes from A the cold war and B never having met a live one. If you want to know what a socialist is, by the American definition, I am one. BLAAAARG!

Many of us do know what socialism is and we are already living under it in many ways in the US.

But I was talking to an American gamer a few months ago, about this, and when I mentioned the concept of free healthcare via the government, he was literaly horrified, and replied "I dont want the **** government telling me what to eat or when to go to the doctor" Look guys, Socialism keeps the general population healthy and safe, keeps the policeforce well equiped. They're not nazis, they have nmo constitutional right to order you around, but the increased regulation, I can tell you now, is very much a good thing. If the government doesnt govern, why have one?

They are Nazis (National Socialists) the name my change and a few details but they are enslaving us through "kindness" this time around. Things like ignoring bankruptcy laws like in the case of GM speak to a government with too much power. Stop telling me what to do and stop using force to take the product of my labor. Just because you think money should be going to a million sources doesn't mean you have the right to hire people to steal the money to fund your Utopian vision.

I agree with the rest of your post besides these parts.


1. I wouldn't say the USA is socialist. We have a few social programs but nowhere near socialism.


2. The Nazis do not match the modern definition for socialism. The Nazi Regime was a right wing government with a very strict class system.


Oh they had social programs too ... they build the Autobahns in Germany with unemployed workers..

and i PMSL here on the other side of the Atlantic because you haven't realised the big lies of democratic system you don't want to face ... well democracy is a deception because every great man in political past has had a vision of the future ... now reading such words here from you Americans picking the Nazi-socialistic jokes that are outdated because the Wolds greatest joke is a country that needs to change something and sticks old methods of thinking like it was glued to some used toilet paper...

and another democracy Lie you think the citizens own your country ... wrong again lol..

Since the globalisation and the realisation came that Big businesses is made by big global industries ... America has been sold out unless you find a proper solution... and exactly there comes the crux you don't want any ... and there the downfall comes so i keep watching and laughing because you had long enough laughed about old Nazi jokes in the next years it will come clear that there will be some American jokes that are alike these .. Irony on it's sharpest edge here in this topic ...

and Btw .. the Nazis where a extreme right wing party and still are ... the more right wing you are then the more you get like we have been... yep oh wrong topic should have posted it in WW3 topic...

Dudes I would rather search fast for solutions than picking on men with at least one vision for the future of your country and blocking any good usable solution because that is damaging your country more than any thing else now

United you where ... divided you fall

The autobahn wasn't really a social program, Hitler needed a road built fast so he needed a lot of workers.


Can you summarize what you just said, I am not entirely sure what your trying to say...

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Just for everyone's edification, I have looked and looked also and cannot find evidence of any past presidents being requested to provide copies of long form birth certificates. If there is such evidence, I will gladly stand corrected.


I happen to agree with Harbringe that Mr Obama was asked to do so, not only because he is black but because his name is Barack Hussein Obama at a very difficult time in our country's development.


Kendo, if you choose to call this, "playing the race card", so be it. I do not make a habit of "playing cards", but I do make a habit of calling 'em as I see 'em. You have a right to your opinion, just as I have a right to mine.


More importantly I believe we both agree that we are glad that this particular issue is behind us, and we can go back to disagreeing on more substantive issues with respect to Mr. Obama and his policies.


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Just for everyone's edification, I have looked and looked also and cannot find evidence of any past presidents being requested to provide copies of long form birth certificates. If there is such evidence, I will gladly stand corrected.


I happen to agree with Harbringe that Mr Obama was asked to do so, not only because he is black but because his name is Barack Hussein Obama at a very difficult time in our country's development.


Kendo, if you choose to call this, "playing the race card", so be it. I do not make a habit of "playing cards", but I do make a habit of calling 'em as I see 'em. You have a right to your opinion, just as I have a right to mine.


More importantly I believe we both agree that we are glad that this particular issue is behind us, and we can go back to disagreeing on more substantive issues with respect to Mr. Obama and his policies.


I completely forgot Obama was the first black president for quite a while. I really don't give a s*** about race anymore, and sub consciously thought he was just like another white president.


I think it did have some to do with race of course, but there was quite a lot of things for the crazies to use for the whole birther thing.

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First an foremost I AM NOT A YANK. I'm from Texas, not New York.


And the reaction most sane people have to socialism isn't terror or fear but contempt and disgust for the sorry history Socialists have forced on the rest of humanity. Maybe you don't know about gulags and polgroms. Your boy Stalin came up with those and they were adopted by Adolf later on. Racial persecution is one of the hallmarks of Socialism...


and THAT single statement discounts just about everything you posted. You don't have a freak'n clue about World History, the history of your own country or what it means to be an American. It is not the 'job' of the government that I helped elect to tell me what I can and cannot do. It is their job to do what WE THE PEOPLE tell them to do and if they don't they get fired. As American's, we don't take guff from political hacks and if they screw around they end up getting booted out of office.


And what is this business about Nazi's being Right Wing, Marharth? What are you basing that on? Right wing conservatives are the farthest thing from National Socialists.


And just to be clear, NO ONE is comparing Obama to Stalin or Hitler. On the grand scale of Socialist, Obama is strickly minor league. This thread started out as a general concern about Obama's birth certificate and NOW it has spun into what is or is not socialism. And for once I'M NOT THE ONE that started it.


Obama endorsed a resolution stating that Presidential Candidates should show proof of Natural Citizenship. When it came time for him to do what he said he would, he waffled just like he always does. Now almost 4 years later he finally comes through, but not before a bunch of uninformed people make uninformed statements and present them as a facts. Those people were wrong and the topic has ran its course as far as I'm concerned.

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First an foremost I AM NOT A YANK. I'm from Texas, not New York.


And the reaction most sane people have to socialism isn't terror or fear but contempt and disgust for the sorry history Socialists have forced on the rest of humanity. Maybe you don't know about gulags and polgroms. Your boy Stalin came up with those and they were adopted by Adolf later on. Racial persecution is one of the hallmarks of Socialism...


and THAT single statement discounts just about everything you posted. You don't have a freak'n clue about World History, the history of your own country or what it means to be an American. It is not the 'job' of the government that I helped elect to tell me what I can and cannot do. It is their job to do what WE THE PEOPLE tell them to do and if they don't they get fired. As American's, we don't take guff from political hacks and if they screw around they end up getting booted out of office.


And what is this business about Nazi's being Right Wing, Marharth? What are you basing that on? Right wing conservatives are the farthest thing from National Socialists.


And just to be clear, NO ONE is comparing Obama to Stalin or Hitler. On the grand scale of Socialist, Obama is strickly minor league. This thread started out as a general concern about Obama's birth certificate and NOW it has spun into what is or is not socialism. And for once I'M NOT THE ONE that started it.


Obama endorsed a resolution stating that Presidential Candidates should show proof of Natural Citizenship. When it came time for him to do what he said he would, he waffled just like he always does. Now almost 4 years later he finally comes through, but not before a bunch of uninformed people make uninformed statements and present them as a facts. Those people were wrong and the topic has ran its course as far as I'm concerned.

Right wing conservatives now days are no were near the Nazis...


They were however right wing.


They did not beleive in a classes society, they strongly believed in nationalism...


Hitler was strong anti communism, he was strongly anti capitalist, he hated Marxism.


He clearly believed in survival of the fittest, which is also a right wing ideology.


While in the army (before his reign of course) he helped suppress socialist uprisings.


He used a salute that was used by Italian fascists.


He indorsed attacking liberals on the streets.


After the The Beer Hall Putsch the march the next day had a quite a lot of fascist supporters.


Hitler hated gays as well.


He didn't like prostitution.


The Nazi system had everything to do with class.



I can probably keep listing more things, but I think that pretty much sums up why I think the Nazi party was right wing.


Don't be fooled by names, North Korea isn't very democratic is it?

Edited by marharth
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