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Im Confused (file removed)


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I'm a little confused you have mods on this site that range from Star Wars to Metal Gear Solid. But a simple sound replacer from Call of Duty Zombies gets removed? Heck there's a sound replacer that adds the sound of the siren from Silent Hill to the settlement siren. I have been downloading mods from this site for a while now and after everything i have seen and downloaded I'm just confused unless someone is saying i took the sound from there mod which i didn't I recorded the sound myself. I guess all im asking is for a better explanation of why my file got removed thats it.

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Thanks for the quick reply actually pretty helpful. I wasn't trying to be that guy that rages about something like this like i said i have been downloading mods from this site for a long time always wanted to get into modding just thought I'd finally give instead of take. I'll keep this in mind for the next time i upload something.

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