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Why is the media focused more on the royal wedding then the massive to


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I understand that she would be considered a "Commoner" due to non royal status, but seriously?

So I guess we can add British history to your list of accomplishments? Lady Diana's father was the 9th Viscount, Lord Spencer was from very old aristocracy. facepalm.

Edited by Aurielius
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Another thing I would like to add to this, isn't Kate Middleton from a millionaire family?


I understand that she would be considered a "Commoner" due to non royal status, but seriously?

Yep... seriously. Princess Diana was also a commoner. It's a big (not really) deal. But, these days there really aren't many other options as far as royalty goes.


No, actually Princess Di was an aristocrat before she married Charles (hence why she was known as the Princess of Wales). Kate is (or was) actually a commoner because her family didn't had a title like the royal family. Besides, its a once in a generational thing, you'll never going to see something like this again for a while.


Edit: Damn you Lis... you beat me.

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>Why is the media focused more on the royal wedding than the massive tornadoes

Because Obama is president. I'm being serious. When Hurricane Katrina hit, the media was all over Bush. People were saying that he didn't do enough, people were saying that he hated black people, people were calling for his impeachment, and all sorts of other things. The media is trying to hush up the entire tornado event because they don't want to look like hypocrites, and they don't want to draw attention to the fact that (possibly, I don't know) Obama isn't doing enough to help the victims.

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Well, its probably because i am not british (THANK GOD) that the following reasoning may seem alien:


Firstly, why the #### would i care for the wedding? What are those 2 doing to improve our life that i should ador and worship their ceremony?


What have they done for me to respect them? What have they done for me to even watch them? HAve they saved lives? have they stopped a war? Have they donated money to Charity's?


Sorry if i offended anyone but at this point, i am a hate bomb.


If you were sorry you would have edited that line before posting and not needed to apologise. They do a hell of a lot of work for charity, they also serve a constitutional role sparing us from having the role of head of state filled by yet another self serving politician. President Blair? no thanks.


Has anyone besides people like Elton John who have been given knighthoods, been given a big title recently? No new Dukes or anything? Seems like they could give the bride a nice new title for marrying into the family.


Knighthoods and other honours go to many different types of people http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/honours-list/8231975/New-Year-Honours-List-2011-in-full.html

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Disclaimer: I haven't read all of this thread. :)


Two things come to mind with regards the original question -

* People today are obsessed with celebrity.

* The media constantly tells us every little negative thing that happens anyway, so seeing something nice is quite refreshing.


For the record...I, too, wonder why we had to have 6 hours of coverage on every TV network of two rich people getting marriage. My own wedding didn't even rate a mention in the local rag. :-/





Well, its probably because i am not british (THANK GOD) that the following reasoning may seem alien:


Firstly, why the #### would i care for the wedding? What are those 2 doing to improve our life that i should ador and worship their ceremony?


What have they done for me to respect them? What have they done for me to even watch them? HAve they saved lives? have they stopped a war? Have they donated money to Charity's?


Sorry if i offended anyone but at this point, i am a hate bomb.


William is a navy pilot who has recently done (piloted) a few search and rescue missions. Kate is stepping up her charity involvement much like Diana did before her.


Does that help?

Edited by Sync182
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I understand that she would be considered a "Commoner" due to non royal status, but seriously?

So I guess we can add British history to your list of accomplishments? Lady Diana's father was the 9th Viscount, Lord Spencer was from very old aristocracy. facepalm.

It might help you to re-read my post and understand it before being so rude all the time.


I have no possible idea how you thought I was talking about Diana, that was something Vagrant0 said, not me.


That quote was before Diana was even mentioned.

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I understand and agree to some extent. However they DO devote money and time to many charities..in fact that was their request instead of receiving wedding gifts. Also...I loved the history of it all. Mostly..I think its a moral booster....for England and some in the rest of the world. A little fairy tale fantasy for us. Should we forget the important things? No, of course not. But a little fantasy never hurt anyone.




Calm down. You can not control other people...ever. So go find a way to help the world yourself and know you at least make a difference.


Well, you know, big times are approaching, and everyone should at least be aware of that.


*raises eyebrow*

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