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I'd turn adblock off if these ads weren't the reason I had it installed.


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Hi guys,


Please can you let me know if you're still getting the redirects? I've been applying pressure to my ad supplier over the awful quality of the ads since the beginning of the new year and they have told me they think they've found the culprit and removed it.


Would like someone to confirm, however. Best way to confirm is to just tell me if it happens again, and I'll take no response as a "I'm no longer getting them".

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I've not had a problem with redirects, though I did keep Adblock off for a period of hours, not days, so I may have just missed them. My issues are with resource-heavy flashy ads that completely gum up the browser and cause it to crash if stacked over and over in multiple tabs. Here's an example of one that kills me.




What's wrong with gifs, advertisers? (Hypothetical question, I know you guys don't have any control over these.) Those are bad enough for hogging bandwidth and contributing to data caps, but at least they don't cause actual slowdowns and crashes.


This one below I mentioned in my original post, with actual 3D rendered elements, complete with anti-aliasing and notable slowdown when I'm really taxing my video card by staring at a heavy fog radiation storm around a bunch of headlamped power armored settlers in an alt+tabbed borderless windowed Fallout 4.




Bonus points for an ad that actually has to have a loading screen buffer.


And below, another one using tons of overlays.




I could just keep jumping pages to get more, but it looks like an ad style epidemic rather than one particular seller through your service. Is this just how ads are today? Have I been so sheltered for years with my adblock that actual resource-intensive ads are an okay thing? When I quit ads, the worst you had to deal with were 10 second looping gifs in banners.


EDIT: Because I'm not just an entitled whiner, I got a supporter thing. I'd still like to see this problem with ads come to a resolution. Not just because of past headaches with it, but because it'd benefit the site I've been using for mods since Morrowind to have those too cheap for $2 still supporting with ad revenue! 'Cause $2 is taking a long way home in gas, getting a small coffee, or buying one's hypothetical kids a candy bar at checkout. 15 minutes of work at the most baseline of min wage possible, there really is no valid excuse for not being able to shell out ;P

Edited by LordMaron
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with LordMaron, It's the number of ads with video that is a major problem. It seems right now, your advertiser has you running 3 to 4 video ads, (at least 1 with sound!) on every page you have open, and they play in a repeated loop. So, if you have 2 pages open, you are now running 6 to 8 videos (at least 2 with sound!), all running at the same time.... and it just kills your connection and system!


(my system locks up so badly if I have 3 pages open that CRTL-ALT-DEL and closing my browser that way still takes 30 to 45 seconds!)


Look, I get why you need Advertising, I really do. It's not cheap hosting the servers, and the files, and the community. And a lot of times us gamers really ARE a whiny bunch :P But these ads are just killing your site's reputation :(

I fully support you getting advertising to support the Nexus, but there has to be a happy ground somewhere!

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If you are a supporter or premium you should not be seeing the ads anyway. Usually when I find a supporter or Premium seeing ads, they are being redirected - NOT by nexus, but by some piece of garbage ware they downloaded that changes how their browser works. The most common I have run into is called Conduit, but it uses other names as well. Many antiviruses don't remove it at all, or not completely so it comes back quickly. I don't know why Google hasn't sued these guys out of existence for stealing ad revenue yet.


You get these from those FREE GAMES!!! type sites, Toolbar installers, Coupon sites, free music sites and other shady type sites. They are automatically downloaded with every download from these kind of places, and are actually 'LEGAL' :wallbash: because buried somewhere in the TOS of those sites it tells you they will be installed if you continue with your installation.


The way they work is to intercept all requests and rout them through their own advertising site - this steals ad revenue from the ligit advertising such as that from Google and slows your browser down. It also opens you to other kinds of malware attack. :rolleyes:


Currently the best thing I have found for getting rid of Conduit and similar trash is a small program called JRT (Junkware Removal Tool) It is now owned by Malwarebytes, and is still FREE. It is small, has a minimal interface, id updated almost daily, fairly fast and runs on my computer in about 5 minutes ( 2 - 2TB HD, 1 - 500MB SSD)


Get it here: :thumbsup: Malwarebytes is a legitimate antivirus company and their antivirus is often used by geeks for scanning customer computers.


Also, check your browser preferences to make sure the default home page is not being redirected. :pinch:

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